Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.8. The fourth Commandement. a; x the outward refs: teudethEfay 58.t 3. Ifthou wilt tome a- way thy footsfrom the Sabbath , from doing thine omne will mponmyne Holiday, andcall the sabbathdelight, holy to I $- o v A N ,andhonour him, not doing thine ownewales, &c. Of this kind, are, Firft, All religious and holy exercifes, whereofthefe the Scripture noteth by name,as duties to be performed vpon that Day : Firl} , To heare the Word preached , Alb 13. T4, t 5. After the reading oftheLaw& theProphetsin thesynagogue on the Sabbath Day,the Ruler of the Synagoguelent vn- to them,laying, Teemen andBrethren, if ye haue anyword ofexhortationfor the 'People,fay on. Ails 15.2 i. M o s E s of old time hash in emery Citie tieoft that preach him, being read in the Synagogues emery Sabbath Day. Secondly, PublikePrayer, Ails i6.13.Vpon the Sab- bath Daywe went cut ofthe City vnto a Riuer,where Prayer was wont to be. Thirdly , to receiue the Sacraments at the times ap- pointed AEís 20.7. The f ii Day of the wecke, when the Difciples weregathered together to breake Bread, PA L preached vnto than,&c. Fourthly, Cae6lions and gathering for the Saints : i. Cor.16.2. Thefirfi Dayofthe ¡3'eeke,let entryone by a-- fide by him treafuring vp what he hatb beene profpered. Fifthly,Private meditation, whichwas the exercife of John the Apofile, at what timehe was bani{hed into the Ile of Pathmos for the Word of God : Vpon the Lords Dayhet wee rauifbed in Spirit , in fweete and heaucnly Meditations , Rend. I. io. wherein it is fit that by our felues, and in our Family we conferre together, and call tominde the things that in the publike Isdiniterie wee haue heard , z as themen of Berea did. And in this re- z dlfs 17,m, fpe6 , left by the trauailingofour beafts, men, 1.1, ho are neceirarily to be imployed about them,fhould be drawn fromGods Seruice,we are commanded,that they should alto