Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

a 2 The irfl i o.oke of Diuinitk, CHAP.8. alfo refl : for whole cafe otherwife the Sabbathwas not any wayordayned. In whichnum. Secondly, The duties of brotherly loue, as diflribur ber, the duties ting to the poore, according to the good hand and blef_ of brotherly fang of God vpon vs vifïting the ficke , helping our 1oue,as difi:n- Neighbour, his Oxe,A{fe,or any thing in diflreffe,when buting to the g poore actor. they are done , not for our owne lucre , but as workes ding toGods of mercie and compafi'ion. Thus did a Pyrel vpon that blefling vpon day reflote him, that beingovercome with (lecpe,while vs, vifìtingthe Paul waspreaching, the night of theSabbathDay, fell ficke, helping downe from the third Lott,and was taken vp dead,A1s ourNeighbor, And hither tendeth t''e fa ing of our Sauiour or any thing 9 y a that is his, in Chrill, (Mark, 2.27. The Sabbath' was madefor man awl thendifircfre, net maw for the Sabbath. The contrarie hereof is the out- comealro to Ward obferuation,without refpe&ofinward godlinelfe. bee reckoned, The Seuenth Day thus to bee kept holy was in the when they are done asworks b firíf intli ution the Seventh Day `'from the Creation, of Mercie. whenGod reflingfrom his owne worke of crearing `the a ACtszo.9. World,which in fix dayes he had fini(hed,f+ntified that b aen.z,3. Day foraDa ofreft , and named it the Sabbath Day, Exod. 2OjO,I r. y This day in beginning of the EueiinS of the day before, when chefirf} infìi- c the Creation of the World was f ni{hed, as el all o. tutionwas the ther Feaffs vtader the Law did. Tovs Chriffians it is the Seuenth Day firfl D-ay of the Creation, 'is in `his place (hall bee de- from the Cre- ation, and cal- dared. led the Sab- And this Seuenth Day is all to be kept holy, from the bathDay. beginning to the end riling vp early in the morning for cGen.t.3r. the 'fanetïfÿingof it , after the exampleof our Sauiour Beginning on Chrifi Mare t. . continuing it till the night and'in the eveningof 5 g g ' the Day be- the night , as the e Ffaltne made for that Day fpeaketh, fore, when the that fo our very fleepe maybe the fweeter to vs. Creation of The obferuation of theSabbath D ry ( whichhath a the World was f P eciall Itemgiuen to it, Remember theSabbath Day that finifhed. d Lecsit.2,3.3L, thenkeeps ithely) is a morall and a perpetual' Law , not e Pfal.92.;. onely Ceremonial) and fora time for f Gen.a,Le3' Firff, It is the fame which was f inffituted in Para_ dife,