Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C HAP.9. The fift Commandement. 173 dife,before anypromife ofaria,whom all Ceremonies doe refpe&t. Secondly , It is written by the finger ofGod,. in the Tables ofthe Couenant, where there was nothing Cere- moniall,but all Morall,and of perpetual! itedurance. Thirdly,Out Sauiour,ll att.a4.4o. willing therm that long time afterhis death fhould bee aline, to pray that their flight might not be on the Sabbath , (heweth, that it was not to haue an end by that Sacrifice ofhis,where. by g all Ceremonies were abolifhed. g Dan, 9,x4, Howbeit,forne way it was Ceremonial!, reprefenting afpirituall rea : but that was not of the Subiance , nor in the fire} Inflitution, but afterwards annexed to it, as a thing accidentall,which had his end in Chrif }. CHAP. IX. Of the fecond Table ofthe Law, andof the fifth Cearmandentent. E haue done with the fira Table Come Tuflieefollowetho we now to the fecond : The fumwhereof »bichisofthe we dcliuered before : To loue our neigh- ties among bour as our felues:by the nameofNeigh_ ou bour, vuderf}anding euery other man, as our Sauionr teacheth, the Commandements of the fecond Table,twoRules doe generally belong : Firf}, That they f }retch (euerie one) as well to our h 4 Ye baneheard felues as to another, fo in being commanded to honour that ithatbbin our Parents , wee are alío willed to haue a care of our ßid,Thoußa't ovine credit and eflimation.Iu being forbidden to covet louetby7eigb_ other mens goods, wee are commanded to bee content boweandha thine Enesniet. . withour owne, But 'lay unto Secondly , They h extend afwell to our enemies, and you, Loue your them that hate vs, as to our friends & them that loue vs. Inetnies. Bl1'e thofe w4ichcuri you, Doe good to thofe which bateyou, andpray for tbof winchmole(i and pefcute you; Thefc J