Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

r 6 174 The firft Bookemf Diuinitie, CHAP .9. Md is Honor, or thegenerall duties of loue. Honor isaper- formance of duties inre- ipeEtofade.. gree. Fíríf, among vnequals,from Inferiours to their superi- ours, and cou- trariwife, As to all Supe- riors in yeeres, kaowledgc,or bowfocuer elle. Reuerence in acknowledg- ing the good thingswhere- in they are preferred, and artakínboúr vie of them. $ Lersit.i9.3z. Thenotes of which Reuc- rence, are ri- sing vp before them. Gkilng there the-pl.-ce and honour of fpeaking firft, i Soli 32.6,7. Thefe Commandements are thus divided : They-comp. !nandhonour,or the generali duties of loue : By honour, we meane the performance of all duties which the re. fpe&of any degree may require at our hands, comman- ded in the fifth Commandement which vpholding the commonorder and comlines of life, gc principallyMagi. flracie &Gouerntnent;without whicla,the whole world would come to nothing, giueth the precedence to this Commandement before all the ref+ of the fecotid Table. To come to the fifth Commandement :It containeth firí`I, the duties of Inferiours to their Superiours, and contrariwife. Secondly, The duties of equals one vnto another. Tlairdly,The due refpeé that we are to haue vntoour feines. The dutie that Inferiours owe to all Superiours, whe- ther in yeeres, knowledge, or howfoeuer elfe is Reue- rence , both in acknowledging the good things where- in they are preferred , and making our vie of them, and in all outward notes and markes of honour towards them; the piincipall v, hereof are thrfe that follow. Firtl Riling vp before them : Thou h fhalt rife vp before the hearie haiies , and give honour to the face of the aged. secondly, Giuingthem the place and honouroffpea_ king fief1 :1 asp i theyou4geft inyeeree andgee are aged : Therefore 1 was afraid, and feared toPhewn y opinion among you; 1[lid, Menofyeeres ¡hall jpeake,and the aged ¡ball de- clare wifedome. Thirdly , To meete them comrning towards vs. So Gen.1 S. 2. AB R A H A M lifting vp his eyes,and looking, loe, three menflood by him, andwhen hefaw them bee ramie to meet themfrom the Tent doore.r. Kings 2.19. When Bath- fheba came to fpeake withKingSalomon, the King rote to meete her. Fourthly, To bow vnto them, as both evibraham and