Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C HAP. g. The fift Cornmandement . I 75 andSalornon did in theplaces aboue mentioned :A a R A. H A M ranne to mettt thern,andbowed himfelfe to thegroutrd, The King role tomiete his Mother, and bowed himfelfe ?sin- to her. Of this kind is the bowing ofthe knee,Mar, r:o,. /7. Ken 'tens wasgone out of the way, there cameone ruin ring, andkneeled to hire. Fifthly,To (land by them whilefl they fit downe,And of this alto e/lbraharrt is there let for an Example, k Ffee k tenor. Cooke, Butterand Afilke, and the Calfe that he hadprepared, and fit before them , and flood himfelfe by them zrnder the Tree, and they didedte: iExod.t8.r3. When Mefesfate [ Ezod.1$.13, to iudge the people, the people flood about him from morning unto euen. Sixtly, to glue them the chiefefl feates, as ris Salo in r.1¡,ß, mon did to his Mother, when himfelfe letting downe oca the Throne, cauredafeate to belet for her, and Are fèt at hie right hand. So the rfg children of Jacob eating Meate n ien.43,33, in lefepkf houfe,fate before him . theeldeff according to btu age ,and theyoungefi according to bityouth: Infomuck as the 13yptians marsuailed among t hemfelxes. Seuenthly, To vfe Titles of Reuerence, whenhee tal_ kethNviththem,4s0 S ARAN obeyedABRAHAat,6 ® r.Pet,34, called him Lord, whofe Daughters yet arewhilefi you doe well. To p call me "Miller andLord, acrdyeefaywell; for I p 19413.t3,. amfo. Eightly, To keepe filence-in Courts and places of Iudgement,till we haue leaue to fpeake : whichmodefly is not -in PAv L, Ails 24.10. whoafter that the gouer»our Ltd beckenedunto him that be ,/hould"pease (and not bee fore)anfwerd, &c. The contrarieof this reuerence, is, rid} , Contempt, and Vnreuerent behauiour in derï. dingor fpeaking euill, and reuiling them :When q HA M q Gen,y3z . the father of Canaanfaw the nakednef fe ofhisfather he told hie two brethren without. The r eye that mocketh hisfather, r r3-013e.r7,: anddililjeth theènflrieLf n ofhis mother, lee the . Rower f.