Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

The firy? Evoke ofiuznitie, CxAr.9. To them in authoritic. Subicaion in a readie fub- miilion to their gouern ment, and Obedience, voluntarily to doe what they command. t Epher6.5>6,7* u Ephef.6 r. Ephef.s.i=, 23.4.24. y r-1eb. r 3.1 7. i.Pet,2,13, 14. of the Valley picke out, and. the young Eagles eate it. Het f that etrfeth bus Father or Mosher , fiatl dye the Death. Secondly, Extolling our felues aboue our betters , as Abineelech did , who being a Concubines forme, would needcs raigne before the lawfull Comics of his Father , fudges 9. To thofe in any Authoritie whatfoeuer, whether the fame bepublike or privatc, doth belong Firfl, Subieaion, in a readie fubmiffion to their go- uernement; Secondly, Obedience , inavoh.ntarie doingof that commanded : For thefe two are tobee performed ro all in authoritie : and that not onely to the good and tour. teous, but alto to the froward,as the Apofile exhorceth, I.Pet.2.18. Fit it, It mua be from Seruants to Maters. t Seruants, bee obedient vnto them that are your Mafia's according to the fiefh. Secondly ,From Children to their Parents, e Children, obeyyour Parenti in the Lord : for that is right. Thirdly, From Wiues to their Husbands. x Winesfub- mityour felues vntoyour Husbandsasunto the Lord: for the Husband is the Miter head , euen as Chrifl is head of the Church,and the famev the Sauiour ofhis bodit. Therefore at the Church is in fiabielîlorn vato Chrif, tssen fo let the Wife be toher Nusb and in emery thing. Fourthly , From the People to the Minitlers. Y Obey them that haue the ouerftght ofyou, andfubrfsityour felne;: for they watchforyourfoule, as thofe that muff glue an AC- count, that theymay doe it with ioy, and not withgriefe : for that is vnprofatableforyou. Fiftly,From Subie's to Magitlrates,both the fuprerne Magi rate and fubordin ate oneF. Submit z your flues vnto all wanner ordinanceofmassfor the Lordsfake, whether it beeveto the King, as veto the Steperiour, or vnto Goner_ flour,