Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.9. TheEift Commandement. 177 nears, ¿ vista them that are fen: of him. Let a emery foule be fubieU. vnto the higherpowers :for there a id nopower but of God, and thepowers that 6r, are ordainedof God. Contrarie to this fubie6tion are Firí}, Contempt , as that of b Hagar, sarahs Hand -maid, rwbo when fheefax), herfelfe toconceiue, her Miflris wasfit light by in her eyes. Se condly,Shaking off theyoke offubie6tion toPrin- ces, as the Papitls doe. Thirdly, The refittingof lawful] power, whereofthe Apotlle c faith, Whefoemer refiffeth authoritie, refilled; the Ordinance of Gad: and they that refill , fhall receime to thenifelnes indgernent. Contrary to the other, is difobe- dience, which is one of the finnes the Apofilereckoneth vp, Rom. r.3o. difobedient to Parents. But this obedience is not abfolute without boundsor limits : It mutt bee in the Lord : for that which the Apotlle writeth vnto Children , Ephef6, r. Children , obey your Parents in the Lord, reacheth farther, andbath a place in all. Therefore Co14T. 3.22. hee maketh the feare of God , the Rule of Seruants obedience: So-Hants, obey your c.J4aßers,&c. fearingGod. And the like is to bee Paid ofMagitirates,as we are taught, Ads+19. whether it be right in the fight of God, to obeyyon rather then God, iudgeyee. What mutt be done then,if they command things vn- lawfull, fuch as with a good confcience we cannotyceld veto ? Verily in fuch cafes wee arcpatiently to abide the pu- nithment : In whichdoing, we no way violate the obe- dience due vnto them. To this patient fuffering of the punifhment, the Apotrle doth exhort vs, i.Pet.2.19. ao. For this it thank - worthy ,ifa manforconfcience towards God endure griefe, fostering f wrongfuly : fer what praife is it of when yebe buffetedforyourfaults, you take it patiently?But ifwhenye doe well,yepater wrong, and take itpatient, this ie acceptable to God. The contrarie whereof is, Firtl , Anfwering againe , when wee are reprooucd, N which a Rom.13.1. b Gen.16.4. c RB7i1.134. Or(when it cannot with tt good conici- ence bedone) patiently to beam thepu- nitbment.