Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

178. d I.Tit.z.9. The firft Evoke ofDittinitie, CHAP.yO. which the Apofile condcmnetb, Let Seruants be fub- ieEl to their c.Mallers, and pleafe them in all things, not an- /Wiling agame. Seoni1y, Flying from thora, as e Hagar did. The dhutie \Vc owe to Magifirates and Miaiflers are, Firfl, Miinithing of charges and other neccíi'aries for the execution of theirOffices : f Giuevntoall men there- fore their dutie: tribute,towhoreyole owe tribute; rufieme,to whom cuflome;feare,towhomfeare; honour, to whomyee owe honour. The g Elders that rule well, are worthy of double honour,¡jreciafly theywhich labour in theword andDo Trine: Marthe Scripture faith, Thou/hala not.rrauzzle the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the Corne : and the Labourer is worthy ofhis Wages. h Haue not wepower to eat and drinks? Or hase we not power to ¡cadeabout a Wife, being a Suer ad well as the ref¡ ofthe Apo l lei, and as the Brethren of the Lord and Ca: PHAS ? OrIonely and BARNABAS, haue not we power not to worke? Who goeth a warfare any timeat his owne coil ? Whoplanteth a Vineyard and eatet,4 e G0/.16.6. To publike authoritie of Magit}racie Ec the A4inifterie. St:pplying of charges ando- ther ncceííà- ries, for the execution of theirOffice, Rorn.i3.7 g I. Tim.S. 17,18. h I. Car.9. 4,5, 6,7;8)9,1°,73, 14. not of thefruit thereof ? Or who feedeth a Floche, andeateth not of the Milke of the Floche ? Say 1 there things according to Min ? Saith not the Law thefamealfo? For it iswritten in the LawofM o s E s,Thou ¡halt not muzzle the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the Corne? DothGod carefor the Oxen? Eitherfaith he itnot altogetherfor our fakes? Fiream fakes (no (1,4414) it is v ritten,that he which careth,(hould care in hope,and that he that threfheth in hope, fhouldbe partaker ofhis hope. Doeye not know, that they whichminil7er about the holy thins,eat ofthe thinsofthe Temple?And they which wait at the;11tar,arepartakerswith the Altar! So Alfa bath the Lord ordaynad, that theywhich preach thegofiel,(hoteld liceofthe Go11el. and a defers- Secondly, Adefending them hi their good and honed ding of them ,Auior,s, as the people- did i Jonathan again(} the cru- in the lame. eitie of his father Seul, telling S A V L , Shall To N A- 3.s42'17.t445. TH A N. dye, mho. bath fo mightily delittered Ifrael ? God for,