Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F . 9. ?'he_fift Commiaf;demeret. 179 forbid. As I t H O V A H !meth, Jhould one haire o f his head fall to the ground , ftnce he hash wrough withGod this day ? So thepeople deliuered I o N AT H A ri that he dyed not. The like did the Princes unto leremie the Prophet, le- retnie 2624. The Dutieof Children to Parents,is, Firft , That they marrie not without their content, which the light of Nature teacheth. And the k Apollle giueth this honour to Parents , to hale power to keepe his virgin, andnot rogine herforth to Marriage. Secondly When need requireth, to releeue them. If any I ttiddow bole Children or Nepheu'es , let themfrfl learnt to ¡hewgodlinefe towards their omone houfe , and to recompence their Parents : for that is anhanefl thing , and acceptable before God. This was lofephs m Pietie, vho. fent word voto his Father, Comedowne to mee ; tarrienot: e4nd thou (halt dwellin the Land of go/ken , andfbalt bee neere mee, thouand thy children, and thy ehildrens children, and thy Sheepeand thy Beas`ls, and all that thouhaft. Alfa Iwill nottr;Jb thee there : for yet remaine fine yeeres of Fa, mute; left thou periA through ponertie, and thy hoofoldand all that thou bail. Contrariwife, our n Sauiout taxeth theScribes andPharifes, for the violatingof this Dutie Butyefay , YhofeeuerJhall/ay to father or mother, By tbe gift that io offered 6y me, thou maifl haueprofit ; thought hem honour not hit father or his mother,)all befree. Than ham yet made the Commandement ofGod ofno anthorítie byyour tradition. ToMaters is due faithfull feruice; whereofweehaue two worthy Examples ; one, of o brahams Seruant fent to get a Wife for his Mailers fonne, who would not fo much as eate,till hee had done his Mefiage : and when but fome flay w as made of the Maidens goingwith him,. Hinder r me not, faith hee, Teeing I E H O V AH loath pro- ffbered my iourney ; fendmeaway, that I may goe to my Ma- fer. The other of Jacob, q who fpeaketh thus of him- N a felfe Touching them inprivate author itie. To_Parents, not marrying without their confenr, k t.E'o4.6.36, 37,38. 1 I .Tim.5.4. and in their necefíitiesto releeue them. rn Gen,45.9, YO,II. n 0.1%4' aáo To Mailers fai thfullfer- uice. o Gen.z4.33o 36- p Verfe 56. 9 Gcn.3c..3f,, 39,40.