Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

>i2io T 14 Backe ofDiuiraitie, CH A P. 9. r o. f t.Pet.3.17. ToHusband and Wite,eack from other mutual' help, t 1.Cor.7.3. and duebene- uolence. u x.Cor.xol. The Wife alto to reprefent ber Husbands verrues, x x.Tim.3.xr. and to faue that whickhe bringeth in. y Tit, 2.3,4. A .gaine from all Superiours Agood ex- ampleof graue andwife car. niage. z i.Pet44. f.:lfe to LAB A N ,This twentieyeerea I basic beene with thee, thine Ewes and thyCoats haste not caft their young, and the Rams ofthyFlock bane not I eaten : w/catfoeuer rvacr ternecf Beajl<s , brought not I to thee bast made it goodmy feller ;of mine owns didfl thorn require it , f o/ne by day orflolne by night : 1 was in the day confutned with beats, and withfro. ¢ ix the night,andmyfleepe departedfrom mimeeyes. The con- trarie whereof is deceitfulneffe , and wafting of their Mailers goods , which the r Apoflle fpecially biddeth Servants to takeheed of, not to bee Tickers , but to/hewall goad faithfulneffe,that they may adorne theDollrixeof God oxr Saxiour inall things. Betvyeene Man and Wife are due, Firf},mutuall heipe : The woman, as f Peter faith, be- ingfetbietl to her Husband, and the Husband liningwith hie wife, as a manofknowledge , givinghonour to thewoman, as to the weaker vefell, both being heires together ofthe Grace of Life. Secondly, due beneuelence : Lett the Husband glue vnto the Wife due óeneuolence,andlskewife a/fo the PPsfeunto the Husband. The Wife,ffiee oweth this to her Husband : Firf}, That flee reprefent his verrues, being therefore called , s The glorie of rn an, as man is the image andgloria of God. Secondly, To faue that which hee bringeth in : where. upon the s Apoi}le willeth them to bee faithful) in all things. The dutie ofall Superiaurs to their Inferiours, is, Firft, Good example of graue and wife carriage, rho elderwomen let thembe in fetchbehaseionr as becommeth holinefe, notfalfeaecu fern , not gimps vnto much w -ne but teachers of honefl thins that z they may inflrua the younger women t3 befober-minded ,that they lone their Hof. bands, that they loue their children : Not as thoughyeewere LQrdaofGods Heritage, but that's may be enfamples to the f ocke,,