Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F.9. The fft Commandement. f oche, a Theyoung semen tamme, andhid themfclues, and the aged rafe andfloodvp; his wife and graue carriage procu- ring reuerence and credit to him. Secondly, Wingof the things,wherein they are pre- ferred to the others benefit, being content to yeeldvnto them when they are in the right, as to their brethren. So Deut.17.20. it is fpecially commanded to the King, That his heart be not lifted vp above hid brethren. And b lob profe feth his care to pra9ife this Lcffon, IfI did con- demns the judgement of my Servant, andofmy Maid, when they didcontend With me. Thtts did c Naarsan hearken to the aduice of his Seruants , and returning, wafhed in Iordan, and was made whole. The Dutie offuck Superiors as are in authori.y,what- foeuer the fame be,is, Firti,Inflruclion of their Inferiors in the things o eod, and of their fpeciall Callings, as Iof3ua did the-'a Ifrae_ lites. And in this refpea lob e fayth of himfelfe, That he was Eyesvnto the Blind,and Feet vnto theDame. Secondly, Due recompence of good or euili aEtions; which f Peter fheweth,to be the caufe why Magitlrates are ere&ced : For the punifhn ent o fæ'riill doers, andprayje of them that doe well. And g `Paul faith, that Princes arenot to befeared forgoodworker, but for euill. Wilt thou then be without feare of the Power ? Doe well: fo Aalt thou bane prayfcofthefame; for he i6 theminferofGod for thywealth. Iu h another placc, TeMailers,faiihhe,doevntoyourSer- uants that which is iufl andeguall,knowing thatye alto haue a Mailer inHeaven. Thirdly, Proteaion fromwrongs : for whither fhould the eyes i of the Servant Tooke, but to the hand of the Mater ? and the eyes of the Mayden, but to the hands of her Miaris ? Hereupon,Gen.2o.i6. Abirnelech telleth SARA,that ABRAHAM her Iimband was theco:Jeri:4g of her eyes, and the man that was to prote& her. lofiae N 3 alto, a loh z9,8. And vfing of the things, -- wherein they are preferred to theothers benefit. hlob31.13. c z.king S, I3,14. From them in authoritie, Firft, lnftru Li- onoftheir in- feriors, in the things ofGod, and of their fpeciall Cal- lings. d tofh.z4. e lob 2,9.1f.. f I.Pet.:.14. Then due re- cotnpence of goodor euill a!tions. g R.o.13.2,334- h co1,q.t. And lafily pro. teftion rom wrongs. Pfal.ta3.s.