Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

The fiili b'ookeifDiuinitie, CHAp.9. Frompublik s Autl:orttte, that is.o fey, from Magi- itra es main- ten nce,aswell of true Re on, as of peas and honeftie of life. k I.Tim.s.z. 1 Rom.i3.4. alfo, Lam.4. 2o. is faid tobe vnto the people, thebreath of their nojihrilr. The Dutie of Magitirates is, Firfl,Maintenance of true Religion. Secondly, Maintenanceof peace and honeflie of life:for to him hathGod committed the maintenance of sn Yer.5-4. both the Awbaptifts which reieet Magiftra:-ie. The Papifts, which teach, that it bclongcth not to the Magiftrate to deale in mat. ter of Religion : And allo exempt their Clergie from the IurifdiEtion of the Ciuill Migiftrate. Tables. So the k Apo(lle teacheth, that the CiuiIl Ma- giilrate is railed vp ofGod vnto that high ellateof Dig- nitie,that wee might hue vnder them a peaceable and a quiet life,in all godlinefe andhonefie. A part of this Dutie, is the dgciding of Controuerfics bet weeneman and man, wnd the true miniPrationof Law and Iuflice, as r. fofes did, Exod. 18.13. For the performance of both thefe,Godbath futnifh- ed himwithPower, and to this end put the Sword into his hands, which bee may not fuller to cull in the Scab- bard, but mull draw it out, to punilh all offenders. f If thou doe euill,feare ; for hebearrth not theSwordfor nought for he is the Minij1er ofGod, to take vengeance on him that loth twill. In all which puniíhntents,a proportion is to be obfer- ued;That euery one be according to the nature and qua.. litic ofthe Offence : Thofe ag:iníl the firli Table, mold: feuerely and fharply,after the example of God himfelfe, whom the Prophet m bringeth in, faying, How fbould l fare theefor this? Thy Children hatefworne by them that are no Gods. In the fecond Table,Murder,Incefk,Rape,with Death; Trefpaffe, «ith the recompence of the hurt, &c. In all which,the Iudieiall Law/es of Mofes (albeit wee are not tyed ro the precife and flri& forme of that Common- -wealth) are notable Precedents to goe before vs, for the equitic