Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F.9. Thefift Commandement. equitie and fubllance of them. The contrarie vvhereof is, the not punifhing, or Iight cenfuring of capitall crimes , and letting them efcape , whomGod bringetli intoour hands. Of the fira we haue a Law, lolurms&.35.31,33. Te/hall take no recompence for the life of the clssrderer, whichis worthy to dye, but hehall beputto death :for blotaddefileth the Land,and the Landcannot be clenfedof the blostd that is flied therein , but by the bloud of him that 'bed it. And I.Kings 20.42. AProphet telleth the Kingof Ifrael , as from the Lord, Becaufe thou hall let gee out of thy handsa man whom 1 had appointed to dye, thy life !hallgoe for his life, and thypeoplefor hispeople. For the fccond, E L I as reprooued, I.Sam.2.23.who for foule and fhamefull faults committed by his fonnes;fuch oppreflîng of thepeople, as made men abhorre i.he Ser- uice of the Lord : lying with the women that affembled at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, &c. reprooued them onely with a fewwords,and that in a milde fort : why doeyou filch things?for of all this peo- ple , I hears etaillreports ofyou, Doe no morefo, myfonne: : for it is no good report which I hears ofyou, that youmake the Lords people to trej affe. Take here-with-all force cautions, Firfl, That the Magifirate being Gods o Minif}er in n Rom.r3.x. this behalfe, doe all things holily and reuerently as in his prefence; whereof we haue lofhua o for a worthy pat- o 4.7.19,254 terne,who faid unto Ac x A N, c.r`Yty forme, l befeech thee glue glorie to I E h o v A n the God of 1frael,andmakecon_ fe¡onunto him, and/hew me nowwhat thouhaft done : hide it notfromme. Afterwards, when the fa& was confeffed by him,I os v A u faid,In as much as thouhaft troubled vs, I E H ov A u ¡halltrouble thee tideday.,4nd all lfrael throw Ames at him ,and burnt them withfire, and"finedthem with floues. Secondly,He .nul} propound a right end before him, IV 4 that I g3