Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

iY 184 The firfiPooke ofDiuinitie, CHnp.Q. P cl Deut.13.ii: r s.Sam, zs.s8. From the Mi- ni(}erie pub- like teactung fEfay t u t.Pet.i.s. :.etaao. i$ y a Evch.3. 17a18. that is to fay, firft, the parties good and reformation, not his fharne and de(tru&ion : for that the p Wifemara" teachethvs tobee the (cope and rrarke that all correcli-. ons ought to leuell at, The6lueneffe of thewound feructh to purge the euill, and the ffrapet within the Bowels ofthe belly. Secondly,The terrifyingofothers to commit the like offences , which G o n in the execution of his Lawes hath a fpeciall eye vnto, That q all 'Traci w,cy beare and tremble. Laftly, ConcerningMagiftrates : Let it bee knowne, that the vie of the Sword llandeth alfo in lawfull and itaft Warre, in fighting the Lords Battailes, as (hee fpea- keth r voto DAY I D : For I E H o V A H will certainty make for my Lord a rare Floufe, ifmy Lordfight the Bat.. Mks of I E H O V AH , and twill bee not found in thee afl` thy dayes. The Min-iftersDu'ie is to attend publike teaching,and tobee diligent therein. I f banefet match-men upon thy wala, O Ierrnfalern , which all the day andall the night Jhall not citafe ; the t teacher let him continue in his teaching; the exhorter in bis exhortation, &c. The u Elders among yon I exhort, &c. Feed the Flocke of god that dependeth uponyou. Take X heed toyour f Ines and to all the Flockt, wherein the Holy Ghofl bath made you Bifhops, that you feed the ChurchofGod , which bee bath purchafed with his owne blond. The contrarie whereof are, F'rr(I, Idoll Shepheards, that cannot teach at all, fuel as theProphet complainethof, Their y watch-men are all blind, t heyhaue noknowledge , theyare dumbe DoPges, they 'cannot !Parke. Secóndly, Negligent Preachers, which, as Efay there faith , lye and fleepe; and delight in fleeping.. Where- fore God telleth E Z Eç HrE L, Sonné of man, I haue appointed thee a Watch -man to the Moleof Ifrael, andthou fhalt bears theWord out of mymouth," that thou mayff girre war.