Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C14 A P.9. The,frft commandement. 185 warningente themfromme :when !fayvnto the wicked man, Thou(halt certaineydie, And thoudoe notgiue him warning, nor ffiealçetowarne the wickedman ofhis mill way, to keepe himaline, that wicked man 'ball dieby his owne iniquitie, 6trt his 6loudwill i rcgtsire at thine hand. The Dutie of thofe that haue any charge or govern. ment, is, Fira,Prouiíîon of food and rarment,whereof the a A- po[ile faith, .Ifanyprovidenotfor hiscwne,andf/'ecially for theft of h owne houfe be û»'orfe then an Infidel. For this, dochSalomoncornmmd the vert lions otnatn,Pro. 3 T.1 5. Riling whileit it ie yet night,fbegiaethmeat to her houfehold, And the ordinarie toher Maiden. And b againe,Shefeared/ not the Snow for her Family : For all her Family is clothed with double clothes. And Prou. 27.2.7. he faith not onely, Let themake of the Coates befufeientfor thyfood : but fur- ther alfo, for thefood of thy Family, and for the1:4.f-finance. of thy Maidet. Secondly . Familiarly to teach their Inferiours , as the e Apoflle exhorteth fathers tobring vp their children in in- ffrnEtiin, and information of the Lord: for which, t..1bra- loam is highly commended of Cod, I know, faith hee, that he will command his Spines andhis Family after him, to ¡wig the way of I E n (3r AH,in doing rihtcoufneffe and iudgement. Thirdly, to goe before them in Prayer : fo did e lfack praynto I S H o V A H, over-againfd his Wife, that is , in her prcfeuce,and together with her, and for her, becaufe fbe was barren. The dutie of Parents more particularly, is, Firil,To apply their children to that they are fit for: f infirutt a childafter the manner of his way, men when he is veriecld, he will not departfrom it. ADAM, g in the fir's beginningof the World , praaifed this Leffon : for ha- lting twoComes, CAIN, andHABEL, HABELwaif a Shepheard, andCAIN an Htssbandaman, Se-- Fren rpriaate autharitie. Prouifionof Food and Kay- ment. a 1.Tim.501: b Velez!, c Ephef A4v Familiarly to tea:h their In- feriours, d Geis. 18.19. e and inPrayer togoe before. them. From both the Parents. To apply their childr, n to th it they are firfor. f Pre. 2.e. g Gen.4<a.