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186 Theftrf PookeofDiuinitie, CHAP. 9. h i.Cor,us.t4. and to prouide for them. From theFa- ther to name theChild. v Luge í.6z,63. From theMo. ther tonurfe it. k Gen.zr.7. I I. Sa;rt.r.:3 . Na1 I.Ttâ9t.5.10. FromMafters, due refpeft of their Seruants tranaìles. .n Datt.lf.Is, 13,t4. FromHui'. bands cheri- fhing of their Wiues with all entireaffecti- on. o Fph.f 25,19. p Rom% r z. r o. Secondly, it is of equals cne unto another, inlouin2, ho. noui3ing, and i Ephef5 2,1. Secondly, To prouide for them : For h Children ought not tojtore,vpfor Parents, but Parents for their Children. Speciali to the Father is, to name the Child : which' authoritie , Zacharie, Father of L,bn Baptif tooke vponhim, whenthe Mother of the friends i Ilriuing a- bout the name,hee decided the Controuerfie, and called him Iohn. Of the Mother, anotherDutie is more fpecially to be obfcrued,that Thee nurfe the Child. Holy women haue alwayesreckoned this to belong vnto them. k Sarah a great Princeffe, maketh no doubt, but that hauing a Child, Thee was to giue it fucke : Who wouldhauefind to A. B R A H AM, S A R A H fall certainely ghee fuck! ?for I haue borne a Sonne. In like fort 1 Anna isrecorded to haue giuen fucke toSamuel, as was the cotiimon courfe then of religious and godly Matrons : whereupon themApoflle requi- reth this in the firil place,as one ofthe moll fpeciall good workes, which hee would haue that woman to bee well reported for, that fhould be affociate into thenumber of Widdovves, that /hehaue nailed her Children. Theantic of Mailers ís, to haue a due refpe i of their Scru ants tranailes,whercofthere is a fpcciall Law :fl When thoat fende.ff outflee from thee, in thefeuenthyeere thy bro- ther an fiebrew,that bath ferued theefixe yeere.r,tbou (halt not let hintgee away emptie, but limbvise him a liberal/ re- wKrd of Sheepe,andofthy Carne,and of thy Wine, &c. The dutie o'f; Husbands is,that they cherifh their Wiues with all entire affe lion. o Tee Husbands loueyour Wines, euenas Chrift bath loafed the Church : fir no man at any time loath hatedhis owneflefh,but nouri/heth rt,andcherifbeth it. The Dwie of Equals one vnto another, is, Firfl,To loue and to hotoreach other : Be Paffe1fioned to lotie ore another with brotherly loue. In giving honour, gee ore before another, fubmitting q your felnes one unto arnod er in the fare of g 0 D. Wherefore, vt'ee are to