Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C 14 A P . g. The ift Commandement. I87 to tefiifte that our loue and refpea to others, by all holy tokens and outward fignes of Salutation, or otherwifc greet r ye one another with the Kiß"e ofLone : Salute f one another with an holy Kiffe. The Churches ofChrist falzte you. Thus it is fài d of t Mofes, that he went out to meet his Father in Law, and did obeyfance, and tiledhtsn, and each askedother ofhis welfare. And of' Boaz,that he comming fromBethlehem to his Reapers,failvnto them,I E H O v A H be with you. And theyfaidvnt o him,l E H O v A H blip thee. The contrarie whereof, is, preferring our felues before them. x Let nothing be done through contention orvaine- glorie, but inmeek,nre ffe ofminde,let euery manofeeme other better then himfelfe. Secondly, To doe good to all, but chiefcly to filch, as by the bond of Nature, or profetiîon of the fame Faith, are more ncercly linked to vs. If Y anyprouide not for his owne, esfßecialy ¡bole of his owne Houfe, he is worfe then an Infidel. x Let vs woke: that that isgood is all, but ofccialy to thole of the Floufehold of Faith. Lafily the due refprd} wee are to haue vnto our felucs, is, Firfi, To maintain, our honefi credit ; as the Apofile doth exhort: a whatfoeuer thingsare ofgood repart,ifthere be any vertue,or if there be anyprayfe, thinlçe on thefe things. The contrary whereof, is, the obfcuring of Gods graces in vs, byour diflolute and careleffe life. So did the foo- lifbVirgins,that b took! not °yle with them in their Lamps, and he c that hawing received one Talent, went and digged in the ground,and hidbid Mailers money. Secondly, A fober efieen ing of the graces wee haue receiued,neithcr arro ;atingthat we hauenot,or boafiing of that we haue. The contrary whereof, is, an ouer-eon. ceit of our felues. d Paul to the Romans in one fen- tence bath thembath : For 1fay, through thegrace !bar id given unto me, to euery one that is among you, that no roman prefietne tovnderfiand abotee that which is meete to wider- /and, r I.I'et.5.i4. f Rom.16.16. t Ii a'OCÌ. D 8.,. u Ruth z.4, x Philipz,3, . doing of good ro all, but chiefly to loch as by the bond of Nature, or profcflìon of the fineFaith, aremore nee:. ly linked tovs. y I.Tim.s.8. z Gal.6,io. And l: flly,to. wards our felues. The maintay- ning of our bond} credit, a Phit.4.8. b Mat.25.zsl6 c 1tlat,tS.16,18 and lober e- f}`cming of the graces wee hauereceiued, d Rrm,12I,