Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

i$$ Theftrft Booke ofDiuinitie, ---membeam. CHAA.IQ Hand, bist that hevneleriand according to fobrietie, ae God hachdealt to emery one the meafsre of Faith. CHAP. X. Of the fixt Commandement. Mong the generali Duties of Loue, thofe are the greate(1, that touch the preferua- tion of ones Perfon , that is to fay, of his Life, Health, or fafetie bothof Soule and Body, which is the fumme of the fist Cotumandement, comprehended by our Sauior Chrif,vnder the nameofMercy,Mat.23.23. The fafetic of aleSoule, by feeking to winnc them to God and to all goodnefle : Essen as I,fàith the e Apofile, pleafe all men in all things, not fcekingmine atone profit, bast the profit ofmany, that they might befarted. And this is principally performed, Fitt}, By incouraging them in godlincffe,as that good man f Barnadaa did, whowhen he was come to Antiochia, andbadfeene the graceof God, wasglad, and exhorted all, that with purpofe ofheart the) would cleaue unto the Lord. Whence cornmeal that Apoí olicall fpecch, 24. Let vs confider one another, to proucke vnto lone, rind to good workes: Whereunto it much auay-leth by our owne ex- ample to goc before them, when our g light fo fhinetb in the eyes of men, that theymay feeourgood wor7,es, and glo- rifie our Father which is in Heauen. The contrary whereof, are Scandale, or the gluing of any Offence cyther in Life or Do&rive : woe h be to the World, 6ecaufe ofOffences; it is neceffary that Offences fhould come, but woe to them by whom they come. Glue i KO Offence neyther to the Inset nor gentiles, nor to the Church ofGod. k //wale offend my Brother, 1 will notBate fdefb whileff I line, that 1 may not of- fend my Brother. It i tlf not good toBateflefh, nor to drink! wine, The generall Duties of Loue, are thofe that are without re- fJ eá ofDegree, and refpeti the Perron, of the good things he_ longing to the Peen. Perfon, as Mercie and Chafli tie. Mercie is of the Duties that touch the prc- Icruation of ones perCon. e f4ô s 11.23. g Mat.g.IG. h Mat.23,7, i t.Cor. t o. 3 a, k 1.Cor:8.13. j(dln,1{.21a