Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H A P.10. The fixt ,Commandement. 189 win, nor to doe any thingwhereby thy Brother flsamblet b, or is offended, or is made weake. Secontily , AdmoniChing and rebuking them when they offend : y mdefsre you , Brethren, adnaontfh them m r.Thrff.r,_ that are vnruy, corufcrt the feebleminded , beare with the weake , de patient towards all men. n Thom fault not hate n Leuit. r9.1. thy Brother in thy heaart, but thou Aide plainely rebuke thy Neighbour, and feeler him not to finne. Haase o compaf.,n o Lae verfe ofConte, inputting difference, andotherfame withfeare, pul- Z2'13. ling them out of thefire, and hate euen the garment Matted by thefiefh. Brethren, P if a man be fallen by eccafion into p Gaí.6..r. any fault,ye which are'primal', reflorefilch a one with the f]iirit of meekencfe, conjdering thy fè f le.t thou alfo bee tempted. The contrarie whereof is, the difclofing of mens fe.- cretfinnes, efpecially fuch as are committed ofinfirmi- tie : Ifq thy Brother finite agairili thee goe and rebuke q Matt.r8.1 10 him betweene him and thee alone. lie r walketh as a fan_ Pro.i r. r3. derer, that difclefetb afecret : but he that is trueofkirit, concealeti amatter. But iffor all our admonitions they amendnot wee are then tomake their fault knowne to others that may reforme them; following the Example off I o s $ P n, f Gen.37.5. whobrought vetohis Father the mill behauiour and derma- rioter of bio Brethren : end of thole of the houle of Cloe, t ofwhom the Apof+le faith , It path been( declared vnto r t.cer,i.ta4. me , my Brethren ofyou , by them that areof the houfeof CE 0E, that there are contentions among yaw. And this counfel our Sauiour giueth vs,Mat.i8.i6.lfhehearemot thee, take with thee one or two, that by the monthof two or three witnefes emery wordmay be confirmed. The Duties that con cerne thebodie, are of two forts: theirfl, to provide by all meanes for rnens fafe tic : for which caufe the Ifraelites were commanded to make u,R . Battlements vpon their houles, lea any falling from the top, they fhould bee guiltie of bloud. The contrarie where.