Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

9e The frrfi liooke ofDiuinitiz, CHAP. 9. whereof is Murder, Mau-{laughter, and the procuring of Gen.9.y, ones death any way.fle x thatfheddeth theblondofa ?MIN, by reran /ball his bloodbe /bed: for in the Image o fGod rude beman. y Leuát. 24. Secondly,Fighting, beating, morning, &c. When y a rg,zc, man nayneeth hisfellow, as he dotb,fa'ballit be done to bim, EyeforEye, Toothfor Tooth. Thirdly, The doing or fufferingofany thing whereby a.Exod.zr.zp. danger may grow as if Z a mans Oxe bane beene wort heretofore topare , and the cafalfer being toldof it, bane not lookedvnto him , to as it kill a man or woman, the Oxe (hall bee Boned, and his Malter alto 'hall be put to death. The principal) meanes to procure this fafetie of the bodic,is ; firti, vfingof Phy1ckeand othergood meanes topreferue and recouer health,as the woman did,Marke 5.z6.and Afa z. Chron.i6.z2. Whofe feekingtothe Phyfi_ signs in his difeafe, being good,onely his not feeking fir'} to God,is condemned. The contrarie whereof is, giuirig.ofour felues to fin, wherebywe pull cuill and affli6}ion uponour felues hold, thouart made whole, fnneno more , left aworre thing a IExod.zz.2,2, seinevnto thee. Te a 'hall not trouble any Widdow or Fa.. ;3az4 therlefe Child : if thou vexe and trouble filch, andfo he callandcryvntome , I willfierelyheare hip cry : then /hall mywrath be kindled, and 1 will gillyou with the Sword,and your Wines ¡hall be Widdowes, andyour Children Father- b Pro.', az, z3. life. He b followeth ber firaight-wages, as an Oxe that goeth to the (laughter and as a Foole to the flockes for cor- reétion, tilla Dartflrik_e thorewhis Liner, as a Birdhaffetb to the mare, not knowing that be is in danger. Secondly, The coiling ofour felues into vnneceffarie dangers, whereunto the Deuill tempted Chrit}, Mat. 4. 6, 7. If thou be the Senile ofgod, call thy felfe downe :for it is written, that he will glue his angelscharge over thee, with theirhandthey¡hall lift theevp,lef at any time thou floildsá