Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A r. IO. The fixt Commandement . 19' f bould f f doll; thy f oot againfl a (lone. But I E s ir s faid 7pnto him, It is written againe,7hoss fhalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Thirdly, Surfeiting. If c thou bane found Honey, eats that itfuffacient for thee, leg thou 6e ouerfnfl, andvomit it VP. Fourthly, Eatingout of time,.. Woe d to thee, O Land, when thy King is a Child, and thyPrince' sate in the Mor- ning. Fiftly, Spending ofour felues by vncha!}e behauiour: for that the Wifeman giuethvs a watch..word,Pro.S,1t, Left thou mourne at thy latter end, when thou haft confumed thy flefl' and thy body. Secondly, Giuing place to anothers fury, as boobdid to Efau,byhis Mothers counfell, Gen.2. y,44,7arry with my Brother L A B A N a while, vntill thy Brother' ferceneffe he afwaged. Thirdly, By aruf1 defence ofour felues when wee are affaulted, though it be with the hurt or killing of our Aduerfaries,where e otherwife wee cannot efcape, and wee our felues haue no delire orpurpofe of$euenge,but onely to faue our felues,. The otherDutie that conccrneth the Body,is acomely Buriall of theDead, whereofwee haue a worthyExam. pie, Alb 8.2. Thencertaine menfearing God, carryedforth S T E P x E to among them tobe buried, and anode agreat lo - mentationfor him. The fpeciall vertues that leads vs by the hand to the keeping of this Commandement, are two; Meekeneffe and Kindneffe:OfMeekeneife we reade,Mat. g.s.Bleffed Are thenseeke in fJnrit. And for the fame, (Aloft" is com- mended, Numb. i 2, i 3. that he was an exceeding medic man,abone all the men upon theface oftheEarth. Meekenefie is feene, Firf}, In gentleneffe ofnature, or a harmelcffe minds; The contrarie whereof is,.the vfing of any of Go D s Crea- C Pvozgz6. d ECClefio,Ié: e Numb.3g,t,. 2..Sam.I.4. 7,I0. Where, the fpeciall Ver- rues that leade vs by thehand to the keeping of this Com- mandement are Mceknefre &Kindnefe.. Mceknef'e in: a. gentle;