Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

192 The frr/I BookeofDiuinitie, CHAP.Io. Creatures hardly, euen the poore beat+ : ell righteous mean regardeth the l i f e o f his 6 40 , faith S A L o M o rr f but the mercies of the wicked are cruel!. The Law g of God that faith, If them finda Birds Nell in the way, inany Tree or on thegromnd, whether theybeyoung or egges, those /halt net take the Damme with the young ; was grounded vpon-this equitie,to forbid a hard and vnmercifullhearr. Secondly, in a peaceable difpofition , Het h that lo_ meth to fee good dayes, &c. let hire feeke peace and follow after it. If i it bepoffible , eu much as /yetis inyou, hate: peacewithall men. The contrarie whereof is forwardneffe or vneafineffe to be reconciled;one ofthe offences reckoned,Rom.a.32. Men that canmetier beeppeafed. Of this peaceable difpo- fition there be three Lteps or degrees : Firfi , A readinetfe to depart fromones right : As 4.. braharn k was content to doe to L oT. If thou take the lift hand, thenwill Igoe to the right ; and if thougoe to the right hand,chenwill Igoe to the left. c.3/14417.2s, a6. Chriff the Sonne of God giueth a notable prefident of this, who, though he were theSonne,and therefore free, yet paid tribute, to auoyde offence. The 1 Apotile to the Corinths fharply taketh them vp for lacke of this vertue : Why doeyounot rather take wrong ? why doeyou not ratherfufer loft ?The contrary is, that which hee there m addeth, Nayyeyourfeines de wrong and doeharme,&c. Secondly,When one is flow to wrath : Thedifcretion of a man deferreth his anger. The contrarie whererof, is vnaduifcd Anger,condemned, vnadui- fed Anger fheweth it felfe two manner of wages ; Firfr, ire haflineffe, when it is either without caufe, orfor fmall caufe,whichSalomon cppofeth to the former vertue,Pro. 4.29.14e that isflow to wrath, is ofgreat wiredome :brithe that it ofan haffie mind, fiirreth vp folly : for anger vpou iuft caufe is a good and holy thing, and was in our Saui- our Chritr, Marke 3.s. The o Apoftle alfo faith, Bean_ grin, butfinne net. Se- f Prou.zo.r®. g lieut.zz.6. b Pet. 3.1r. and peaceable difpoütion, i Rom.ti.iS. readie tode- part from ones right, k Gen.13.9. á I.Cor.6.7. rti I.cor48. Slow to wrattl, Il Pro. 19.t I. Ephef4, a6.