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CM AP. ÌO. Thefixt Commandement. 193 Secondly, Whenour anger beingvponTuff caule, yet we page mcalisre, as r Daartddid in the matter of Nab:11, some: ie or dwell too long vpon it ; whereofweehat= a precept, gThat theSimile. re not dowi a in our wrath. q £¡her4.t The fruits of this kinde of peaceabledifpcsfidion are notable : Firfl, the preuentingofall occafions whereby Anger may be kindled : and for this caufe, it is lawfull to make coucnatatswith Infidels andHeathens , ío farre as they tendonely for preferuationofpeace; as r A6rahano, r Gen..r.z and after him !f,ckf made with e-461na lech, t laco6 fGen.zF.z8,zg,. with Laban, and many other recorded in the Booke of God. Secondly,The appealing ofit being kindled, whereof eflbigal, in Daatida furie, giueth a worthie prefidcnr, a.Sam.2 .i8 . &c. It is wrought, Fir(I , By cutr.,paflîng force wants and infirmities in mens words or deeds : As It is the uglorie of a in.á:: to u pap by stns "efffnce. Secondly, By couering themwith filence , and keel ping fecret the offence of our Neighbour, where Chri_ flian loue loth not compell vs to difclofe it : for Lone will x çoaaer a wHltitatde of J&rnes. And the Wife tnan td- X r.F-ereq. letlrvs, Neevthat cotiereth atranfgrePit,feelkethLome: Y Pra.171. Bat hee that rypeateth a matter, (by rubbing vp the me- morie of it, when it is gone and pall) e th feparate ss. Prince : that is, maketh euen the greatefl friends to #all. out. The contrarie whereof are complaints one of ano- ther ; as that of thePladrifes, to our SauiourChria, a z lar{e,. again-fl his Difciples i, for`eating bread with vnwafhen hands. This vice ah.4e noteth in his Epiltle, Theft are a lude v,r6. Complayner.r, &c.: Thirdly, B courteous anfweres in word or deed :.A loft b anf ere putteth awn verath kot griettous wordsflirre L Pro. s . ró vp ang.r. Take Ç -dcora for an c E' ample , Whofc kinde c .aus'g fpeech and vfage pacified the fierce wrath oftheEphrai- . c mites