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I94 TAB,firji BookeofDZ Zílltie C A r.1o. mites. As on the other fide we reade, 2.Sans. i9.44.thae the infolent and proud anfwere of the men of Iudah, caufed reuolt from the King , that followed in the next Chapter. The contraries are, Firtl, pitternef a in fpcech taxed , Rom. 3.14. Whofe mouth rsfull ofcurling. and bitterneffe. Secondly , Brawling and -chiding, as that of the E- phraitnites, b dg.. 8. r. Crying , which is an vnfeernely lifting vp of thy voyce, whereof wee haue an Example, Ac[s 22.2 3.. As They cuedandcart oftheir Garment, and threwdual into the Ayre. And agoine, Ras 23 9.7hen there was agreat cry, and theScribes on the Pharifes part contended, C -c. Thefe three the Apofile bath altogether , 4phel.4.3 r. Let all bitterneflè, and rage,andwrath ,andcrying, andeuill f Baking be taken f o,nyou, Fourthly, Lowring, or frowning, as ' Kelin who being exceeding wroth ,his countenance fell down. So c Saul is faid to eye (or looks; a-fquint vpon f Da. slide) Fiftly, Snuffing : whereby Dauidpainteth out a wic- ked man. Hee f nffeth, faith bee, at all htc e4duerfaries. And in ganother place God is brought in , faying , For the defolation of the needie ones , for the mourning of the pore ones, I willvp now,faith I E uov A H, andf`et atfafe- tie himwhom the wickedman-fruffetèi at. The third flep ofa peaceable dii'pof tion is , fi,4feriing of wrongs patiently left they breake forth into further. mifchiiefe. TRke<,fTit-h IA M E S, for stn evaa.,pleóffrif- feting wrings, andoflongpatience, the Prophets, °c. The f contrarie whereof, aregrudges growing from itnpatien- cie, though fomething or other haply keepe it from i roles 5.9. ;breaketh forthi. Grudge i'not one againil,ìk.Thefe k tu;ae v.i6. Are Murmurers, or Grudgers, CorÑplayners, Nc. Kindnefe,in a- 10 -in dtfpo r- _'' inunefii, the other vmire, ;i .at.deth in two things t,qr,, FLitri a,kindieaiîd brotherly affection frornone victo anon d ,a.5 e T.Sam.z8.9. fPfl.1e.g. PfaLiz,;. and patient to :indure wrongs b Lino 5.1o,