Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH. A The fixt Commandement. 195 another in as much as wee are all the Creatures of one God , and the naturall children of one father, AD A M: Reioyce t with them that reioyce , and veepe with them that 1 RCM-I Z' 5. weepe. They m play vino/ the 1'ia!1, d,irke in Rafos;s of `t M"S 6. ` Wine, andanoyft thernfelues with theprincipe ll Oyntments, but arenot grietaed for the afil2Etion o f I o s f. P H . The con- trarie whereofis, Infulting ouer men in aduetfitie ; Thota BA0 f$ et ( faith theProphet ) haue feene the day of n OGad, v°71' thy Brother, theday when hemar wade a friranger : N. ither feuldcfl thou hawBeene gladat thechildren ofludah, what titre theyperil sd, neither Ihouldefi thou heme itslaged thy mouth it the day ofAdaaer%rtie. Of this nature, are ftrt+ derifion and fcorning, as it is laid* of the bonne ofHagar theEgyptian, that he moc- °cn ° ~T.9 lied Ifack. Daraid in the Pfalmes P complayneth of it : t",'/169./3, They thatfit in the Gate ,talk: of mee, and the Druca1ards fingof mee. As if he fhould fay, I am their common by- word. This derifion is many times expreffed by a fcorn_ full nodding of the head Theyq that paledby, rayled ett q mat' =7'31 hinnt ,noddingtheir heads ,andlaying , Thou that defrcyef the Temple, &c. rule thyfelfe. Secondly,Rayling with contemptuous termes,as Ra- ea,s Foole, r ,, ee.a,11. Thirdly Mocking and taunting our Brother, and making our felues merrie with him vpon his wants , ey- ther of minde or bodie : Thou ,','halt art curie thedeafe, CL" vor put a f ambling block: before theblinde. CurledCis bee t Deut.2.7.1 3. that mak,eth the Blinde gee out of the wa>: efpecially if it be for godlineffe fake ; as the little childrenof the Ido- latrous Citie, Bethel didvnto the Prophet,2.King.2.23 .rlfcend, Bald-pate, .lfcend, Bald.pate. Secondly, It fiandeth in three noble fruits that flow 2nd he-1ptl. from thiskind ofaffeLiion: nelle vntrn other. Firii,Topittie our Neighbour inhis di[Irefi'e, lending our helping hand vntohim ; and miniíiring vnto'him its his neceffitie,the comforts that God loth baffe vs with; O a if