Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

T96 The fir.11 Booke ofDiuinitie, Cpi A r, JO Ifhe be an bangs* , togiuc himmeate ; ifthirsiy , to give himdrinke ; ifafranger, to lodge him ; ifnaked, to clothe him ;if jrckc, to vi/it him ; ifin I','ifon,.tocomevnto him:as u r.ra!n , 17, thefe particulars are reckoned vp , Matz 5.3 5, 36. u For he that bath this Worlds eoodi, and feeing his brother in want, lhutteth vp his bowelsfrom him , hoi1, Both the loseof GOD dwell inhim? Let lob, a mirrour ofall vertue , bee euer before our eyes co flirre vs vp to this dutie, who teflìficth ofhimfelfe datenot my morfellalone , but the fatherlefeate ofit. If 1 faw one readie to peri/hfor lacke of clothing , and poore man that had nothing to caner him, his loynes blefJed me : for he warmed hits/elfe by the fleece ofmy Lam6es. For this caufe,in the Law they were corn_ manded , both before the Vintageor Hauler} , to finer the poore, for fatisfying ofhis hanger,to gather Grapes, or plucke Eares ofCorue,and in the Vintage to 'cane an after- gathering for the poore. Of the firfl , youhaue a Commandement ,Deut.2S.24,25.lfhen thou commef Tin- to thy ?keighvours Ilineyard,then thoumayfis eats Crapes at thy pleafure,as much as thonwilt ,but thou/balt put none in thy vefell.w7hen thou co:nrnes1 into thy Neighbours Corne, thoumayitplucke the Eareswith thine hand; btrt.thou(halt not mooue a Sickle to thyNeighbours Crne. An Example thereof is extant , ()Hotel-2. z. e/ft that time T E SATs went on 4 Sabbath Day through the Corne,and his Difciples were an hungry,a;zdbegan toplucke theEares ofCorne, andcate. Ofthe feconi, you haue a Commandement,'Leuiti- cua _2 3.2 2. Whenyon reape the Haruest i%fvour Land' th©u (halt not rid eleane the Corners of thy Field xi'hen thou rea- pefneither f alt thoumake any afier-gathering ofthy Har. uefi, butfh«It ¡cane them vim) thepoore and to the f ranger. I am Ix H O v a H your GOD. An Example you haue, , nth-2. 3.ThenPaid 13 A z unto Rv T H, .Heareit thou, my Daaalhter? Goe to none other Field , to gather, neither doefrom hence, but abide here by myMaidens. The con, trarie X 10b.31417,