Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CET A r. ro. The fixt Camryaasatlerreetat. trarie whereof is y vnmercifulneffe to the Stranger , Fa. therleffe, Widdowes, Poore, Impotent, &c. As, Firfl, In not paying the poore Labourer his wages, and that fpeedily, Thou % fhalt not opprefè th,t hiredpoore, or needle one of thy Brethren or of theftranger that is in thy Land. eflt his day /halt thou giue him his hyre , the Swine(hallnot goedowue before hee haue it Behold, a the hyre of theWorke nen that haue reapedyour Fields , which is kept away byyou, cryeth, andtheir cues are comevp vn- to the cares ofthe Lord fHafts. Secondly, In not reforiug the pledge ofthe poore, whereofwe haue a Law, Exod.22. 26, 27. Ifthou take to pledge thy Neighbours garment, before the Sunnegodown thou/halt reftore it to him. Thirdly, In keeping from them fuch commodities, whereby their life íhould be fuflayned : He b that with - drawetb Corne, thepeople will curfehim : but a biding- lhall be upon the headofhim thatfellethhis Corne. Secondly, To forgiue offences': Re e towards one ano- ther k.inde,fwll ofcompafon,forggiuing one another,as Christ alfoforgave vs ; Ifdyouforgivemen their offences,foul,fo willyour heaueny Fatherforgiueyou. This is it which wee are taught in the Lords Prayer, Forgiue vs our trefJaffes, as weforgiue them that trekaffeagainif vs. Thirdly, Toouercome euill with good. The contra - rie is Reuerage , whereof Paul e faith , Reuenge notyour felues , beloued , butglue place to wrath : for it is written, (Mine is vengeance, Iwill repay, faith theLord. 1f there- fore thine Enemy hunger, feedhim : if he thirst, g iue hirrz drinl<e : forfo doing, thou /halt heape coles offire on his head. Be not ostercome ofthat which is euill: but overcome euill withgood. Not that by this Do6ìrine all going to Law is to bee condemned , orthat wer are to find fault with the execu- tion ofMurderers andother:, or with Warrc lcauied by Princes againft Tyrants abroad, or Rebels at home. No 0 3 fir 197 y Evoci,zz. z De/ct.24. 14315. a lain. 4. I) Pro 11.26, not onely forgiuing offences d 11͵t.6,14. but recom- pencing goad for mill. e Rom,t2.r9, 2o,2J.