Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

I9$ The,fr'rft Booke d)irtisitie, C x A P.11 Chaitk is, of 1h! duties thit touch thepurity e f one perfon, both foule and bodge ; and that afinell in jingle lift,a.sin the lite ofMarri- age, rah:ch God both inflitut-d for a remedie a- gain(l vncl'an- f i,Th,f4.3,4,5 g Mal.z.t5. 1,(,'Oro7.30' for to thefe purpofcs God bath ere6led the fatted and high ellateof ciuill Magiftrates, as wee haue íhcwed be. fore in the fift Commandement. C A P. XI. Of thefluent') Comrst,andement. Ht feuenth Cot r andcment requireth, that wee be chaffe,and pure, in foule and bodie, f Pcff;ling our Ire/Tell, as the Apo. file vuillethvs, fnHolineffe and Honour, 'What c(late focuerwce be in, whether Tingle life, or in the efface of holy Marriage. Marriage I call the lawlüil coniun- Anabaptifis and &ion of a man and woman into one Nicolaitanes, that fiefl ; ( for out ofthis Cageof Matti- would haue Niue monie , there is no hone(I copulation, to be common. nor greed of God, as the Prophet termeth it. Holy Marriage, I fay, Firf+, for that it is a holy reme. die, inflituted otGod for filch as otherwife cannot con. tame tokeepe their Veflêll in honef}ie and honour, it be-o h better to marrie then to borne ; wherefore,for i auoy- ding orfornication, let emery man haue hie Wife, and emery woman her Ilufband, faith theApo(ile.Againe,kMirriage is honorable among all, or in all things and the Redun- defiled : But Wharemoogers and Adulterers Godwill iudge. Secondly , Becaufe here cfpecially that rule hoidcth, which wee are t© obferue in all duties whatfocuer: Chat it be t in the Lord. All forts of men may indeed lawfully contrast M atrinionie , neither is there any (late or Condi- tionofperlons exempted from'it:for as the difcale is ge- neral!, ThePapift ; that reftrayne their Priefts from Marriage,which not- withft ending ( rdi_u'.uufly) they make a Sacrament.