Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A A. i I. The f uerith Commandement. l99 terall, fo the remediebelongeth to them all : Therefore wee are told , c.SVlarriage m is honoytrable arxonry d and m ueb, r 2.4; the Tedvndefiled. For u auoyding ofFornication, let emery n 1.cor.7.2. man haste bits Wife, andemery woman her 1-iyfband : yet I adde in the third place Lawful coniunaion, to Phew that it muff bee betwcene fuch perlons , as by no degree of Confanguinitie or Affinitie areprohibited to contra& it, which to doe is lncef3. Thole degrees you haue all reckoned, Leatit.z8. and are thefe that follow: The e Sonne to marrie the Mother, or theStepmo- ther : ThepBrother, theSifter of the whole or the halfe verre7,P. bloud, and whether borne in lawful! wcdlockeor other - i' 96 wife. The q Father, his Sonnes Daughter, or his Daugh- `l Yo. ters Daughter ; the Sonne r to marrie theDaughter of r Ir. his Father, borne by his Stepmother : One f to marrie his Aunt, being his Father or hisMo- f r2,r3. Chers Sifter, or to L marrie his Vncles Wife: r 14. The Father u to marrie his Sonnes Wife u Is. The X Brother tomarrie his Brothers Wife: X re. A r Man to marrie his Wiues Daughter, or his Wiues y t7á Sonnes Daughter, or his Wiues Daughters Daughter. All which degrees are in like fort, and by the fame analogie and proportion forbidden to the Woman: and in the right line either afcending or defcending,the fame prohibition reacheth in a manner infinitely. All which Rules are perpetual! , not for the 'ewes oncly confirmed by the Law of Nature : for the breach of this common honeflie is reckoned z amongfl, thofe z Lc .tg.29,3t abominations, for which the Land of Canaan did vo- mit vp her Inhabitants. The defenders la the fourthplace, I fay, a man and ofPolygarnic. a woman , becaufe Marriage is 'be- tweene two , Emery a man to halle his proper wife, aid emery womanherproper l'- Infband. 0 4 rwo a 7.Cor.7.a.