Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Z00 The fYrf Booke of1)ìlli itie, C ri A r.I I b Two b (faith our Sauiour )/hallbeone,flt/h. The contrarie whereof is Polygamie, that is the ha- iling of moe Wiues then one at once : which , how. foeuer it pleafed God for a time to tolerate in the Iewes, and in the Patriarkes, before them, for the in- creafe of the World, but principally ofhis Church ; yet was alwayes a corruption of holy Marriage and vn. lawfull ( without fpeciall dìfpenfation fromGod him- felfe :) for, Gen.2.- 2. Fi;1+, God e in the firfî inflitution of holy Marriage, coupled together but one man and one woman, e./1dam and Eue, and created onely two from whom all Man- kinde fhould come ; when yet all other fpirits were his alfo, as the Prophet difputeth, Mal. z. r 5. This rcafon our Sauiour yeeldeth, Matth. 19.4. Haueyee not read, that he which madefrom thebeginning,made them one male, and one female? Secondly,Hereby there cornmeal a feed of God,or holy feedacceptable veto him, in the rearaint of all ro- d Mai. :.t5. uing luas : for why made hee one? Becaufe heefought afeedofgod, faith the Prophet. Thirdly, The words of the Law rightly vnderflood, e Le;, are expreffe , e Thom 'halt not taks one Wife to another to vexeber, &c. Laflly, If a man may meafure the childs goodne$fe,by the Fathers verrues , the firfl Polygarnia and corrupter f den.-t.t9 ( this way) of Gods Ordinance, was f Lamech, a vile wretch, of the poficritie of wicked Cain. F.ftly , I fay , Into one fie/h; For that by Marriage thofe that were two before , are now become but one. So was the firfl inflitution, Genefis 2.24. They )(hall bee one flefh. And Matthew a9.5. Our Sauiour according- ly concludeth , Wherefore they are no more two, but one .i°/h Whereof it followeth, that Marriage is a perpctuall g Mat.t9. bond, fo as Whofeener g putteth away his U'sfe, except it AI t,r9.c.