Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

+C H A.A. I I. Thefeueyath commandement. it bee for fornication and m4rryeth another , comráttet4 adiltcrie: andhe that marryetb her fo Put away ,commit- tcth adulterie. The Popiffi Bygamy, which Howbeit , if one cf the accountcth him to blue two parties dye,the other then is Wiuesthatmar`riethagaine,af- at l.bertie to manic againe: ter the' fiat Marriage diffolued, For the hwoman tc hound 6y or bath marryed a Widdow, the Lahr at long ae her i1uf band lisieth : but if her Ilsffbanddye , !bee is free to marrie whom ff,,ee will. Laflly, Concerning Marriage, this one thing is to be added , that it is conuenient that a folemn.e comra&of the parties marriedMould got before. By contraâ}, Imeane a promife ofboth the parties to marrie theone with the other, if in themeane time there appeare no iufl caufe to the contrarie : whereby it is cafy to di %erne, what is the right vie and ende of a.contraCt, namely , that before that indifloluble knot doe come, the parties may thorowly acquaint themfelues toge.. ther,that fo any lawfull impediment to hinder their mee. ting, may in time be diicouered , before it proceed far ther ; and this is conuenient; Firfl, Becaufe it is warranted by the exampleofGods Children i in all tites,and by the light ofNature among the very Heathen. Secondly , God himfelfe approoueth it , inprouiding for the chaflitieola woman fo contrao$ed, no otherwite then as iffhee were his weddedWife; that heck which lyeth with her, fhall dye the death. The contraries of this purifie , which hithertohaue beetle fpoken of, are, Fira , Inward and in the minde ,the lulls of cowls. pifcence , as the Apolledoth oppofe them , i. Thef.4 5 Let emery manbow how topofffe bis veffell in helinefeand honour nit in the bills of concttpfèence, ae t he Gentiles t st nownot God which luUs of concupifcence elf- vthere he... h io 201 i Asmaye fecne, Dctst.zi,23. , k D ttt,xz, 23324 ] . it is better to marl,then to borne,