Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

202 The.fti' BO'OkeBfDtiil?itie, CHAP.I [. he calleth burning , for that thereby godly motions as with fire are burnt vp and confumed. Of thefe, Chrifc fpeaketh, Mat.5.28. Whofoeacr looked; vpon a women, to lull- after her, bath alreadie committedadultery withher inhis heart. Secondly, MI bodily pollution and rncleanneffe, as the fanne ofOnan , for which the Lord flue him, Genefïs 3L.8.The like whereof is that,,t i. when it cornmeth from immoderate dyet or vnchafle thoughts. More particularly is condemned all vnlawfull copula- tion in the feuerall kindes thereof ; Buggerie, Adulterie, Fornication. Buggcrie (a finne not tobeenamed) is a copulation againfi nature ,whether with bea its difbonouring our ownSexe, or of men or women in the fame Sexe cômit- ting filthineffe: Thou al/halt-not lye with a male, as a man m"let:t.z8, lyeth with a woman, that is abomination. Thou(halt not lye 33'aß' with any6eas` ,topollute thyfelfe therewith. Neitherfhail a womanlandbefore a beast , to lye with it ; that is confre- ri flan. Cnrfed " be hee that yeth with any bean. For this sa KM. r.t6827. o carefe,CÇod delivered them vp into difhonourable luffs ; for even the Females changed the naturellvfe, into that which is contrarie tonature : likewi fealfe the Males , leaving the naturall vfe of theFemale , burnedin their defcre one vrta another, Males with dalescommittingflthineffe. Gen.ty.Ç. This was the finne of Sodome : r Bringforth the men vnto vs, that we may know them. The other two are Adulterieand Fornication. Adulterie, when one or both aremarryed to another. Fornication , when two vnmarryed perlons commit Heb.13.4. it: Ofboth which,the Apoflle faith, qwhoremongers and 4dulterers God will ivdoe. The r workes of the fief-10 are Adulterie, Fornication, tic. And our Sauiour 2 19,20. Out ofthe heartcome Adulteries,Fornications,(c. Thefeare the things that defile a man. And here, ifin any of thefe, force beyfed , it is calledRape, and maketh the fame