Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

1 C H m i'.1 t. The fwertth commandement. finne more haynous. But the partie f forced , is to bee held guiltleffe. There bee two efpeciatl meancs both to let and to hold vs in the puritic both of foule and badie, whether we be foie, or tnarryed ; Modeflie andTemperance. Modeflie is that , which kcepeth a comelineffe and decencie in things.. Firf+, Our words to bee modell and fhamefall, euen when wee fpeake of things that íinne bath made fhame- full, as wee fee the Holy Ghoti entry where to doe, gen. 4.r. ADAM %nevEvr. his Wife. gen.29.22. Me LEAH, andbroatght her veto IA C o B , whowent invnzo her. LSarn.24,3. SA v L wart to cotter hisfeet. The con- trarie whereof are, Firfl,Lewd fpeeches,and much noyfe; wherebySaLj.. man defcribeth the vnchafl woman, Pre...7. i t. and 9.13. Secondly, ftlthie fpecches; whither referre Loue-Tongs, amorous Bookes , f lthieBallads, Enterludes, &c. com- prehended vnder the name offrlihinefe, fool;fhjeak!ng, and iefling, which arenot things comely, Ephef.5.3 4.. Secondly, Our eyes and countenance to bee cha fie, nsaking as lob t did, <t coate;i, nt with (Kr eyei, not to !yoke upon a Mayde. The contrarie whereof is, Fitfi, a whorifh u countenance. Secondly, Eyes , which the Apoflle x calleth -full of Adulterie , feeding them either with anotl3rra beautie, (whereofour Sauiemr faith, Y He that 1oaketh vp4,n a wo- man , to /Nit after her , bath already committed adqlterie with her in h,s heaart) or with wanton pi&ures, Lafci- uious reprefentations of Loue-matters inPlayes and medics, &c. for all which, the Rule ofthe Apofile is ge- Derail, Abflayne x from emery enill/yew. Thirdly, Our cares to delight to heare honefi things. The contrarie whereof is , when they delight in that.. which is fìlthie and vncleane. Fourthly, Our hands and all our parts to bee inftru.. . menu 20; fThtai.R,z. The two pre - feruariues of Clrat1itie, are Modcflie and Tc rnp:rance, Modeflie, which keepetft a coarsely fliamef. ffacffe in words, Countenance, , t /oh3r.t. u Pro.7.3 T. X 2.Pel.Z.r4. Y Ne^'t5=13 z