Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

..W._ .a....0e1.---^ 204 The flrf BoOke of fDininilíe, A P;I [' tents of holinefle. The contrarie whereof is , the rea- ching of them forth to any filthy and vnfecrnely A, as in that mentioned, Deut.25.11,1 2, GLibrc, Fittly, Our whole geiaure to be lober andgood. Con. trarie whereunto, is wanton dancing , and all other effe- minate gefiure and behauiour : which wantonneffe , a Ga1.5.19. Paula maketh a worke of the fiefh. The b Prophet Efay b Efay3.16. in his third Chapter , doth notably expreffe this finne : Becaufe the Daughters ofSionare toftie, andwalkewith a firetched out Neck.e , twinkling with their eyes, continually mincing it as theygoe , and keeping pace with their facto : therefore the Lordviii make bald, &c. ppareil, Sixthly , Our Appareil to bee fober and comely, fuch r Titus z.3. ' ao beconsmeth Saints. The contrarie whereof is , too cu- rious trimming anddecking ofour felues,forbidden euen vetowomen : who yet (it may be thought)for the plea fngof their Husbands , might of all other befl vie it. d r.Pei3.3. Therefore the Apoffle d faith , Whole trimming let it not bee that outward trimmingoffrizzling of haire, putting of golden things about tbeno, or puttingon of appareil , but the z.Titt.a.g,zo. hidden man , roc. Likewife C alfo women let them adorne themrelases %n modefrz garments, with f amefafneffe andfë- brietie, not with frixz.ling , frluer things, or, gold , orpeerles, or coil; appareil. But ( whichbefeemetb women profefsg gadiinefl'e) with good worker. Secondly , Whorifh, riotous and lafciuious appareil, fuch as the Prophet taxcth, Efay 3.18. By this note, Sa- lomon fin his Prouerbs painteth our an Harlot : e/1 wo- man cameforth to meetebins in whorifhattyre. The come- lincffe to be obferued inappareil, ftandeth im thefe fout`e things. g tacretaz.5. Firf+, That it be according to our fexe , where g the 'min wearing womans appareil, or thewoman , man is eóndemned, as being both an abomination to theLord, Secondly , That it bee fitting to our Age : for which Er Tito 2,3, cure the Apoflle b willeth the elder women togoe in long gar-