Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CAAP.I i+ Thefeuertth commandement. 205 garments , Tit lei 2.3. and t.Sdara,i3. x8. the Holy Ghoít noteth , that young Virgins the Kings Daughters, were wont togoeisagown. ofbluetscolours. Such a one Jacob made for lefeph , being a childe of feuenteeneyeeres of age, Gen.37.31. Thirdly, That it bee agreeable to the cuílonae of the place where wee liue. Contrarie whereunto is new-fan Bled apparel', againfl whichZophanie the Prophet thun- dereth, 1 r wslfvifìt the Princes, and the Kingsfennes , and Sollton.z.z8. all that clothe t%emfeltses with f<eranne garments , after the manner of forraine Countries and Nations. Fourthly, That it be according to our place and cal - ling They k that weare loft rayment , are in Kings honfee, k Some other point,of rnodeflie may be noted ; as to haue and olver a regard of fhawefa(lncfle, even ins that cafe which the things. Law ofGod prouidech for,Deut,23.12,t3. But that and whatfoeuer elfe, may not vnfitly be reduced veder fore ofthe former heads. Temperance is a moderate and:a fober vie of lawfuli Temperance, pleafures efpeciall in Mates and Drinkes,attd in mar- . whichisa rnm,- ria e matters. In meates anddrink es berate and Co- bcrvCc of law- : .Firfl,Byab(inence and fading, oftentirncs,v` hereunto full Pie:afures, die .Apoflle by his example cloth inure vs , i.Cor.9,27, efpecially;n Bast dbeatedownemy Body and bring it into fralielli n lefi meates and by any meanes,after that -I hautepreached toothers,l my ieIfe drinks, Amidbe reproetsed. The contrarie whereof ig, to fill the gorge euery day,as the rich 1 man did in the Gofpell. I Dike 16,Tç, Secondly, By a moderate and fober dif t,fo as the bo- dy may receiue $rength, and be more fre(h and liucly to performe the anions of God Imelfe: 7k! in heede to your in Luke ta.340 feltees,lefl at any timeyour hrarts be oppr,ffed withforfeiting anddruvkeernne f fe, ant cares ofthis life, and left- that day come onyou vnawares, n To whom is woe, ej»c ? Eaten to them that n Prosa,23,29, 0. Carrie longat the Wme, to them thatpef -ekemixt wine. ^ If 3 x,,,0,04 t6 thou haoeiound horsy, eate tha! it feffi-sent for r bee, left thou p Pruta.3i ao. be orearfrillandvomit it. It i' is n.t,fur Kings, 0,L E M v $ L: JP .