Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

2C6 The rrl 13ookefDiainitie, ci Etiecio. t6.49. r 9. CPa'o.a3.r,1,3. CHAP.II it is not for Kint s to drinke wine , norfor Princes to drinke farontr drinke.T he contrary whereofis firfi,Gluttany and Fuinrf e of bread,one of the Sinnes ofSodorne, ci whereof the Apo file hath a Commandement, Rem.' 3.1 3. Walre ho;,.-c7 y as in the day,not in Gbattony í`" Dratnkenneffe,E c. Sccondly,Too much daintineffe for the quality and va. rìety of fare,efpecially ofthofe meats and drinker which prcuoke mock unto the Sinne of vncleanneffe. This the fame rich man is taxed with,That herwas clothed in Pur- pore and fine Linnen andfared well and delicionfly euery day. Salomon c in his wifdome giuethvs a rule to bridle our vnternperate defres this way : When thole fittest to cote with a Raaler,coafder dilicently what is before thee,and past thyknife to thy throte,trthou be a smsangiNen to thenppe-. tite.Be not defirottis ofhis daintymean's: for it is adeceiue- able meat.Howbeit,this is not fo ffrittly to be taken, but that eythec for the wel.comming of a friend, or for our owe refreflhing, we may, and it is fonaetimes lawfull to furnifh our Table with (lore and variety of difhes : as t eAbrahasn made a great feat} that day (lack, was wea- ned: fo did Leui u to over Sauiour Chrift,inuiting withall ( for his better cntertainement)a great number ofguefls to beare him companie. The Pfaltnif alto notcch,that God of his bountie giueth vs not onely breador meate, that fie engtheneth the heart ofman,6;tt wine tocheere it VP, and to make his facef2ine more then With oyle. Wherefore Marie,at the Supper was madevnto Chrif inBerhani_r,isyrecorded to haue takenapoundofoysetment offpi1enard very co.gly , and to haste anointed lefttsfeete, that all the houfe wasfilledwith the fauour ofthe ointment. Temperance in marriage- matters is, when wee vie it fobcrly and with fee:nelineffe,rather to fuppreffe,then to fatisfie the flefh , which is one part of the z poffefng or otsr veffell in holines and honor.For this caufe it is,that the Apoflle a teacheth vs,our marriages and the liberty that Godbath gitten vs therein, are to be fanó ified by prayer and t u Luk.s.zp. Pfal.:04.15. e Iob z.z,3. and in the vfe ofmarrisge. 2 I.Theff :4.4. a rTiin.4.3,4. Forbidding to mrrry, e'7 com- manding to ab- saine from meats, iah.;ch .God bath crvn- ted to bee recei- tsed with giai,ng thanks ,of them which beieeue aadknow the Truth. For euery creature of God isgood , and no- thingought to be refured,if it be- receiued with thankefgicting.