Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Ou A P. t 2. The eighth Con,:randemext. and thankcfgiuing. The contrary whereofarnong ether, is, that forbidden in the Law,Lcu;t. t 8.19.2nd reckoned vp as one of thole iinnes that bring Gods heauie wrath, EZ,E6h. I 8.16. C H A P. XII. Of the eig th Cotnmgsrcl:moo, "'kg- a. c,, HE three Commandements following , coiicerne one common fub ea or matter which they all bend vnto , that is to fay, the outward good things of this prefent life , and ofwhat nature foeaer the fame bee; Lands ,Poffcffions, Goods; Good name, Credit, or the like ; wherein, becaufe the greatetl part of our life is (pent, ,iii tumbling and toiling about than, it bath pleated the wifedome ofGod toallot vnto them three Commandements, as men for the moil part three manner of wayes offend in them comprehended by foh ;2 the Baptii inone Verle , LuiKe. 3. 14. in his an- .fwere to the 8ouldiers, She e ry '(in his dine by pilling, polling, rapine , or other vioIence,) nor cite sre Pent byguile, andbec7ratent with your wares. The two former (which are the neerer in afanitie)D4_ urnhack- twice in b one Pfalme, in two (cum!! Phraf s f applyed vntoGod. Firfl , in t he Plirafe of Truth (or Faithfulnele)and Iktdcomen : th en, by d Trxsth(or Faith - oinejf) andRiihtnefe. The fitti of thole three wayes,wherein men fo offend, is,bymeere wrong ; forbidden in the eighth Comman- dement ; whether the farx e hasie force and violence ioy- ned with it in which cafe, the difference betweene this and.the Commandement Follot-v'ìrig,ia eafie to bedifcer- twit or though it be without force and violence, yet by met e :. Motet/7a re.- ,cH` tbe thingJ i7ei9n?i'g to theperfan,are vprightnelft and contesztMile!J'e vprigÀ+tnefe to h..ld a l.aupf4l rout-1i in dealing about than, and fix,as'eth in right . arl.trrat'a. b C Urteg) ti tnY;K }111,1/1 R,ghrwhrcfa . is in 'dealing