Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

zo8 Thefidi Booke ofDiatinitie, CH A r.I 2. d Gen. '- ;.4,15 Both for the maznes of comming by them: That it be by lawful! par- chafe, f on.zr. 22a13,14,=5. or percent. g Le.2,5.45,4 h 2V1:711.:7, ß, 9ai o,r r. !were wriangand iniurie without colourable fhewes and fhifts, or otherdifgu:fings to hide it by; whereby it is 3110 diftingu&fhed from the ninth Cornmandement, though the difference in this point lyeth not fo plaine. In the eighth therefore we are commanded, Firfl, To Beale vp- rightly and iullly in all things concerninggoods , both for the meanes ofco!nming by them, and in the vfing of them. Wherefore our Sauiour, ,twat. 23. 22. noteth 'out this Commandement by the mine of iudgement orright in doing that which is iiub} and equall betweene man and man,as the word d (fudge_ rent ) in the Hebrew Phrafe Both lignifie. And Dauid cloth fo interpret it,Pfd. I T a.where that which in the fe- uenth Verfe hee calleth lodgement, in the next Verfe he calleth fghtneffe (or Eq:trtae,as wee commonly tranflate it.) The contratie whereof is jnerte wrong, in fueh fort as before was opened. The lawfull mcanes ofcomrring by goods, is double. Firfl, Lawful! purchare, as e îbraham purchafed of Ephron the Field and cane ofll:lacpela, for the full value that it was worth which ephron himfelf-e had let And Dauid f bought of0 FUN AN the thre/hing flaore,.to ¿gild an Altar to I E H o V A H forfufficient money. Secondly, Defcent , when by courfe of Inheritance it is call vpon vs ; whereof wee baue a Law: g Ofthe chil- dren ofthe firangers that are foiourncrs¿motagyeu, of them fhall you buy and of their Families that are., with you , which they beget.inyour Land. Theftfhall beyourppf Pan, Soyee lhnl1 t:,.IZe them as inheritance foryour children after you, topopfT them ¿y inheritance ; yee ¡hall vfe their labours for ever. When h a iraan dyelh,and.bath no fonne,yee¡halltranf Jerre his.mheritance to his daughter : and ifhee bane no dstu loran; yet. /all «iíte his Doff. o f ,n to his brethren : and if he ha no brthren ye:fhallgheehis pofffons-to hi,, falters 4reihren :and if brcthrex, tben;fhallyota zinc The Anabal-tifticall com- munitie of goods.