Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A i . 12. TheninthCommandemeaa±. lime his pofeilion to his Kinfman, the next unto himof his Family, and he /hall inherite it. The contrary to thefe two are, Firl},Theft He i thatfiealeth, let himffeale no mere, but rather let him labour,ele. The fpeciall kinds of thefe, are Sacriledge,when it is of things co:;fecrated to God ; in which fort k Achan offended. And of this the Wife- man 1 fpeaketh : It is a fnare for a man to denoare that which isfantifed,andafter vowcs to inquire. Robberie by ehe High-way : The companie. m of Triefts to like veto Trooper that Waite for one by the Highway fide, Pyracie vpou the Sca,Burglary in theNight,breakingofHoules, &c. if n a Thiefe befoundbrewing vp,and befnsitteta that he die,no blond 'hall befhedfor him. Stealing mens feruants or children : Which lime the Apoffle o wrappeth vp in the number of thofe things that are contrary to whole- forne Docirine ; filching, or pilfering the leaft Pinne or Point. Secondly, Oppre{lìon : But P yee hate eaten vp the Vineyard ; the f oyle of the Poore is inyour houfes. what ayleye, that ye beat my People to pieces, andgrinde thefaces of the Poore ? Thirdly, Extortion : as ° Souldiers not content with their Wages,Counfellors with their Fees,&c. This was the finneof flies formes, ofwhom it is fàid, _. Now the faunas ofE L I were wicked mere, and knew not JEHOVAH: For the`Pries cufteme towards the People was this; when any manoffered Sacrifrce,thePriefls Boy came while the fleJ7 war a teething, and a ßefb-hooke with three teeth in his hand, and thrufi it into the Kettle, er into the Caldron, or into the `Pan, or into the ``Pot : all that theflefh. hooke brought vp, the `Prieft tookevpfor himfelfe. Thus they did veto all the Ifraelites that came thither toShiloh;yea,be- fore theyburnt the Fat, the °Priefts Boycame andPaid to the man that offered, Ghee me flefh to refle for the Prief : for he will not haue f dden fiefh of thee, but raw. e/lnd ifanyman fail Z 09 i Ephej.4.r.8. k Iofh.7.7.¢c. 1 Pro.zo.zs. m ftoflr.6.8,9. n En/14246T.. O I.7IrJV.I. to. p Pfay3,14,r5'. q Luke 3.14. r I.áaA1d.Z. 5 L, 13,14,15,16a17