Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

2 I0 The frrft Evoke ofDiuinitie, CHAP.12 fail vvnto hive , Let them borne the fat according to the cre_ Jlome , then take as much as thine heart defreth : then bes mould anfwere, No,but thou/halt give it note; and if thou wilt not I will take it by force. Therefore the jinni of the youngmen was verygreat before I E x o v A H :far meta ab- horred the offering of I E N o V A x. Fourthly, All injurious and wrongfull dealing in mat- ter of contra&, buying and felling and fuch like As firft , excefiiue prices of things, not obferuing a pro. portion and equalitie in the contra} , to bee according to the need and profit of the buyer, as the Law doth t Leuit.4.14, 1pecially prouide : f When thou fellefíx ought to thy Neigh- a5,16. 6our,or buyefl at t by Neighbours hand, yeeJball not oppreffe one another : But according to the a:uno6er ofyeerss after the latbile, thou¡halt buy ofthy Neighbour : alto according tothe number ofyeeres, thou (halt increafe the price thereof, and according to thefownsfe ofyeeres then fbalt abate the pries of it : for according to the number ofincreafes lath befell un- to thee. Secondly, Vfurie condemned, Pfal.15.5. Bee that 1i_ neth not his money to vfurie. And hereof alto there is a Law, Exod.2 2. a5. If thou lendmoney vetomypeople; that is, to the poore with thee , thou¡halt not beeAi a Vfurer Tinto him; yes¡ball not oppref him with vfurie. Thirdly, Monopolies, Ingroffing,Fore- flailing, &c. % ¡ÎY 5.?. t Woe to them that Moyneboufe to boufe, and field to field, till there beno more place, that you maybe made the enely dtrel. lers in the middefi ofthe Land. And in the vfe The lawfull vfe (lands in two things; Frugalitie and oft-hem todoe Liberalitie. irfrugally, Frug;litio , I call a keeping together of that which God hash giuenvs, for the better bellowing of it , to u ...cor.8 14. good andprofitablevfcs, Y that our abundance may fuppy other mens wants, as the Apo(ilc fpeaketh. Our Sauiour in his owne example doth herein goe before vs , when MN e,aa. he biddeth, x Gather together the fragments, thatnothing h