Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P. Ia. The eighth Commandement. be left. Which Leiíon Judas the Trayter had learned of bis Mailer , Thoughhee vfed it but ill-fauouredly, as an Hypocrite,to ferue his ovine trrrne:7o what end, flit h T he, is this soafte ? for this ointment might hate Beene foldfor much, andgiuen to thepoore. The contraríe is, Firf+, Vttnecetfarie and caufklfe furetifhip. Be z fluff certainly be crsfhed, that is furetie for a flranger : But he that bateth fureties, rsfafe. Be a not thou of them that clap hands,of them that arefseretie for Debts. Secondly, In wafifulneffe : when a mati indyet, appa- reil, furniture of his houfe, building , or inch like go- eth beyond his degree or calling : He b /!fall bee a poore man, that /meth iallitie ; bee that length wine and eyntment, /ball not be rich. Liberalitie is a cheerful communicatingof our goods, by gluing or lending as the cafe requircth : Communicate e to the neeePties of the Saints. If d thy brother bee impo- uerißed andfallen in decay with thee, thou/halt releeae him. The e righteous man is merciful! andgineth. Lend, f loo- kingfor nothing thereofagaine :that is to fay, though it be with lofhe of ,the principals : wherefore thefe workes of beneficence are in the Scriptures called g m lice : for then dothGod in thy brothers neceflitie make him in right the owner of thy goods, and thee only the Steward and Dif}ributer. So faith S A L o M o N, Hold hnot back! goods from the owners thereof : meaning thole that haue needof it. when it is in the power of thine hands to dee themgood, fay not veto thy Neighbour, Ogee, and come again to morrow, I willgiee thee, if them now haueit. For this caufe the i Apoflle telleth the Romanes, that albeit the Macedonians Ames , which they bellowed vpon thepoore Saints at Ierufalcm , were voluntarie and free, yet it was fuck , as by the Lawof brotherly loue they did owe , and were debtors of veto them. And to this duticof liberalitiewe are the rather to bee incouraged, by that whichour Saitiour is reported to haue k had as P 2 a corn_ 21I y Mat.16.8,qa z Pro.rr.rg: a Pr6,ts.zß,' b Pro,tr.I'. andliberally; by a checrefulf communica- ting of them all both in gi- uing and lea- ding. c Rom .rz.r3. d Leuit.lç.3f. e PJa'.37,29. f Luke 6.34,3 fa g Prod t.t8. h Pro. 3.17212. i Rom.' 5. s7 k "al 10, 35.