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2i2 The Ali BookeofD;x;nitie, CHAP .i3. Une branch whereof is Ile(pitalitie. i 1.Pet.4.9. in Pre.Ii,sQ,. truth, »biebis indealing faith. dally, Pro.2z.l,i a cmmon faying in his mouth, It ása more blefj"ed thing to ghee,then ca receive. One íepeciall branch of this well employing of our goods , is Hofpitalitie. Therefore it followeth in that place, Rom.i 2.1 3. Follow after Hojütalitie. And 1 Peter faith, Bebarbarous one vnto another without grudging. The contrarie is Niggardlineffe : He m that fareth more then it 'mete, it onely forteth to ponertie. CHAP. XIII. Of the ninth Commandement. H E fecond way that men offend in the thingsof this life, is, by fal{hood, fraud, deceit, fubtiltie, cunning fhifts and de- uices, which is forbidden in the ninth Commandement. To vnderfland that Commandement; as commonly men doe, of our Neighbours good name: andcredit, not of his outward goods as if thofe were fpokenof oncly in the eight, is too much to flraighten the bounds of this Commandetnent;and, in mineopini- on, faulteth two manner of wayes : for firfl, the greater and weighter Commandement Chould fo come behindee .A fl goodnamebeing more to be defired then great riches. Secondly, The words, Thou 'halt not Beare falfe wit- neffe, are borrowed words taken from the Courtsof Tut-lice, where Lands and Poffeffions doe oftner come inqueflion, then mens names and credits; and .there- fore cannot, without violence, bee ref-trained to the Letter. The ninth Cômandement then would haue vs to deale truly and fincerely in all things concerninggoods, whe- ther ones outward caste and world ly riches, or bit name and