Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

._. _._.,.. CHAP .13 . TheninthCommandement. 2I3 and credit, Our Sauiour, A.fatth.23.32. calleth it Faith. fulnefhe,or Faith : tr easing, truthand conflancie both in our words , and in all our bargaynes and agreements, which , `Ffal.1 S. z, 16. is made one fpeciall note ofhim that í1a11 dwell in the Tabernacle ofthe Lord , that het fpeaketh the trothas it is in hisheart.The o Hebrew u< ord o hIZLI whereby David fetteth it forth, Pfal.t t 1.7,8. fignifieth indifferently,FaithfulnelfeorTruth,The contrarie where- of, is, all kindof falfitie, namely, Firll , Open vntruth or lyes : P Therefore potting p £pbrf.4.24. away lying, fpeake the troth every one with his Neigh_ 6ouir : for wee are one ant thenmembers. Secondly Fraud and Deceit : Danid , Pfal. lo. 1,7. ioyneth them toge- ther : lice fhaa not dwell in mine houle , that dea.'eth deceitfully : he that fpeaketb lye: , fiat not rearayne inm) fight. Speciali verrues to bee As, Prudence reckoned in this parr , you right' i d,ing a- haue two ; Prudence and Simplicitie: which goodly mixture our Sauicur i re.. q quirethofall that are his :'Bee wife as Serpents, and inno. cent (or fimple)as `Douses. And the r Apollle to the Ro- r Reps.16.t9. manes : I would haste you wile in that that it good, and harmeleffe in that which is eusll. Prudence is a vertue, to difcerne and iudge of things aright, whereunto wee attayne. by fearching out the things which it behooueth vs toknow,as lob f did.The f lob 19.16, contrarie whctecf is that , which the t Pltlmitl repre. t Pfa1,8x.g. P 3 bendeth Their erreur, that hold offi- cious or fporting ly s, as they c ll them,to be lawful]: all which the Apcftle here condemneth, and are all of them cormark to the nature of God, (towhole I. mage wee ought in every thing tobe conformed) who is the God of Truth, Pfal 35.6. Neither ought any pretence of doing good vnto our Neigh- bour, draw vs to any officious lye, feting theruleof theApof}le is generali, ?ottodoe eurl!, that good may trine thereof, Rotu.3. S. And thole holy men and women that this way haue offended, it is their faith , not their lying, ( which through infirmitie they fell into) that the .Spirit of Goa Co much commendeth.