Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

214 The firfl Evoke ofDiuinitie, CHAp.13 Simplicitie in fpcaking and doing the truth ; u Amos 5.6, 7. y Efayl.sf. a i.kitag.tS.S. a a.Ghrl.t7, z. hendeth in Iudges andRulers of the Earth , when theft semen !mow not, norgiue themfelues to vxder:114nd, dut walke in darknefe, all thefoundations ofthe earth aremussed. Simplicitie, is, to deale fincercly in the things we dif- cerne and iudge cf. And this hath vnder it two other branches : Firfl, Speaking and performing the truth : u Thefe are the things which you /hosrld doe : fpeake the truth emery one to bid fellow , and iudgement ofTruth and Peace judge in your gates. The contrarie whereof, is, Fir(t, Eucry vniufl fentence : x When men torve lodge- ment into wormewood, as the Prophet fpeaketh. Secondly, Briberie : Giuing fentence for reward : Thy Y Princes are rebellious , and campaniens of Theenes : emery one laoethgifts, and followethafter rewards : they iudgenot the Fatherlefe,neither doth the widdowes Cause come before them. Where, though the fentence bee iu(I and vpright, yet taking ofRewards is wicked,when men doe not In- flice for Iu(lice fakc.To this firft branch certayne fpeciall vertues doe alto belong : fame whereof are in the things that concerne ones good name; forne in thole that con- cerne worldly goods. In the things that concerneones good name : To ac- knowledge the goodne% that is inhim , and to fpeake of it with a loue and liking of that they doe. So loth Tad, a. Cor.g. 2. For I knowyour readinefe, whereof 1 boaß to the c.Alacedonians, telling them. that Achaia is fur- nified ayeere fsnce. Wherein notwichflanding wee mull take heed, that our lone and liking of the partie draw vs not ro an allowance or winkingat his faults, no more then the holy Ghofl doth in the due commendationof the no choice and excellent men : as of D A v i n : He % did right in the eyes of I r n o v A x, and departed not from any thing that he cmanded himall the dayes ofhis life, feue onl y in thematter ofVR I A H the Hittite : and of I o- T H A Ai, a Her did vpright!' in the eye s of I s H o v A H, 4e- .._._._