Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH AP . I 3. Theninth Commandement. 215 according to aQ that his Fatber did, onely he entred not into the Temple of 11 H O V A H, best the people did yet corrupt themfelues. The contrarie is, Fir!+, A humour of fpeaking cuill of men, which the Apoale a would haue all to tal e heed of. a Tit.3.z. Secondly, Slandering or open forgingofTales, or pri- uie deuifingof them,fainingor adding any thing to them: Thou b fhalt not walk, about with Talesamong the People. b Lersit.19.16. 'Frote.26.2o. Withotat wood thefire to quenched,and without a Talebearer flrife ceafeth. And againe, Verfe 22. The words ofa Tale- bearer are aeflatterings, and theygot downè into the bowels of the belly. Rem í.29,3o. Among the finites that naturally MMicke vnto vs , are reckoned Whiffrerers, Tale bearers, &e. And the c Apoale faith, Let there not c r..Cor.rz.zo. beflrife, &c.backbiting,whi Bring, &c.amongyou.Whither bclongeth all wrongiull accufation, whether vtterlyfalfe, as that of the twowicked men again!" d ?both, or re- d s.1(in.zi. rz. lating the bare words, but not the fence and meaning: wherein the two e Witneffes, that tef'tified our Sauiour e Mat.16.6o. Chrifl fhould fay,/ candefray theTempleofGod,and raife 61. it vp in three dayes,are laid to be falle Witneffes : for f he f lohn z.zr, fpakeof the Temple of hisBody. Or lafily,aceding ofa truth,with an intent to hurt: for it was a truth, that g Doeg told of Danids comming to g a.Sane.zz,g: Abirnelech, and his asking counfell for himof the Lord, and giuinghim victuals and otherthings: yet becaufe his end was wicked and naught,iuflly doth the Spirit ofGod fay of him ; h Tby tongue irnagineth rni/cbiefe, and is liked h Pf5z,2,,3,4. Jharpe Rafor that cuttethdeceitftelly.Thou doefl loue euilmore then good,and lies more then to#eake truth. Thirdly,ReceiuingTales we heareof others,or euill re- ports that are cafe abroad by Whifperers,Tale_bearers, &c.Thou i kalt not receiree afalfe tale&nor put thine handwith i 1xod.23.r. the wicked,to Beare falfe witneffe. Wherefore Daerid k wor- 1s thilychargeth SA y L,Whereforegiuefh tkouan eare towens words that fay, Behold, D Jos ID feeketh coil! again.£! thee 3 P 4 And