Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

215 The ftrfr? Booke of Diuinitie, CHAr z 3. 1Pr014.15:3. Prou.1l0T7. fAmos 8.4,5, R. T II I3:mt.:5.t39 14. x Lcrsit.3. 3 5, 36, And Sabessetr' in his Pronérb,r faith, that as theNorthwrnd aritseth away the raine, fo cloth an angrie countenance a Slandering tongue. Fourthly, Babbling talke, which the Apo3km repre- hendeth in certaine young women, that were not onelyidle, but alfoPratlerJ andBufibodies , fpeak!ng things which are not comely. Fifthly, Flatterie,prayfing one about that we know in him. He n that prayfctb his friendwith a loud vorce,rifng early in the mlrning,it Jhallbe accounted veto him as a curie. Withfaire (!Meech and flattering they deceiue the hearts of theftmple. Sixthly, Foolifh and arrogant boaaing : Let another praife thee ( faith P the Wile-man) and net thine owns mouth. Seuenthly, Difíembling : when men fay one thing, and mcane another, 9 jpeakepeace with their friend:, but mifchiefe is in their heart. The vertueoccupied in the things that concerne world- lygoods, is plaine and fincere dealing. The contrarie whereof, is all deceit hi bargaining, buying,and felling: Whereof the wife man faith, The r deceitful! man (hall not toile that he taketh in hunting. Of this kind are felling counterfeit for good, as Cop- per for Gold, and mingling any Wares, bad withgood, making Phew onely of the good: Hoare f yet the: ,yes that [wallowvp the 'Poore,faying, When will the newMoneth be gone, &c. that we mayfel'the refufe ofthe Wheat ? Alfo,When the buyer concealeth the goodncße of the thing, or the feller the fault, and blind-foldeth the truth with counterfeit fpeech: It t rif naught,it is naught,fai:h the buyer, but when he isgone apart,he boa{lerh. Thirdly, Falk Wcig ' its and Meafures : Vote aJhaltnot haue in thy 73ag two manner of fYeightt,a great andafmall, but thou(halt haue a iufl anda right Weight; a perfed and e ir+fi Meafurefelt thouhate. Tea x ¡hallnot doe vaiudlly in judgement,