Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.I 3. TheninthEomm4ndeme,:t. i judgement ,in lane,in w;tight er inmeafiere. Te Jhall Isauc ite'?1T ballances,true waights,a trueEpha , anda twee Hint, Heare Y this, ye whichmake the Ephafinal!, and the Shekellgreat, y Amos 8.4. And falfi fie thewaightsby deceit, z /hall I iu.s`lífie the wicked z Mica.s.t r. Ballances, and the Bagof deceitful! w.:ights ? Secondly, Remoouing ancient bounds , to encroche vpon other meus pouíefftons : a Thou j i1t net remoorae the a Pram. za. z8. ancient boundswhich thy fathers baue made. b The Princes b Hofh. ;.to, of I v n n H are ilk! them that remooue the bound :There. forewill ! powre out my wrath vpon them like water. Thirdly , Fraudulent with -holding of things fou :d, if the Owner may be heard of. Likewife, of things lent, pawned or pledged : c Thou ¡halt not fee thy brothers Oxe, a Deut. :z, r, reor his Sheepegoaffray andconceale thy felpefrom them, but z,3 fbalt bring themagainveto thy Brother. And f thy brother be not were vnta thee, or if thou know him not thou /halt bring it into thinehoule, and it Jhall remains with thee vntill thy brother feeke after it. Then (halt thou deliucr it to him againe. in like manner/balt thou doe withbas Affe andfo (halt thou doewith his rayment andJhaltfo doe with all loll thingsofthy brother, which he loath loll : if thou haft found them, thou maicfl not conceale thyfelfe. d The wicked(faith d pfat,37,zi, D A v i D ) borroweth, andpayethnot again : but the righ- teous re me rc i f u ll andgiseeth, in e E z t CH I fi L it is e Evcb.t8.7. madeone note of a righteous man, that hebath re lured the pledge to hie debtor. Fourthly , Gaming , and all vnlawfull Trades that Cher make Rayne of things naught and vnprofitable for the Church or Common- wealth as the Trafhor Mer- chandize mentioned, Reuel.18. i r. 6-c. or feu to idle the gifts of' the holy Gh'otl , and other fpirituall things, which was the finne of Sim ors MAGvs,fWho, when î . 8,18,x9, hefare, that through the layingon ofthe epoflleshands, the 2. CO holy Ghofl was preen offered themmoney, faying, Gmemee alTo this power,, that on whomfoeuer d lay hands , bee may re- critic the holy Ghofl. But PB T titfaidvatohim,Thy money perish