Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

2i$ The fir Bookeof Dsatinitie, CHAP. r3; Charítie,to take things in the beß parr, &c. g Matt. x.19. h Dcut.a7..18. i Deut.z8.t o, z r. ft x,Srrm.17.2.8. l 48.18.4. r.Sarrr.r.t3. perishwith thee , becaufe that thou thinkef the gift of God naaybe obtained withmeney.Of this nature is choppingand changingofBenefices,which is called Simony. The fecond branchof good and fincere dealing,is the takingof things; that may bee doubtfully conftrued, al- wayes in the beat and moli fauourable part , which the Apolllc, i. Cor.1 3.5,7. fheweth to bee the propertieof true loue ; Loue thinketh not mill, it beleeueth allthings, it hopeth all things. So did glofiph cons}rue to the bet+, (as farre as might bee) the faa of the Virgin Mary, whom, being found with child before they carne together, hee judged rather to haue offended before they were madefure,then after ; and therefore minded rather priui_ ly to put her away, that bee whichhad done the wrong, might marrie her, as the Law t of God prouided , then by punning his owne right, in bringing her forth to iudgement (that fo being foundnoVirgin, Thee might be fiotied which the fame i Law gaue him leaue to doe,) tomake a publike example of her. The contrarie whereof is, Firft, Euill fcfpitions condemned, 1.7im,6.q. Such was that °fad, k Dartids eldeft Brother Whyca,nell thous downe hither ? 1 know thy pride, and the wickednef fe of thy heart;that thouart come cowrie tofee the Battaile.When Dauid indeed came thither about other bulineffe, fent from his Father. So did they of AIiletnrn deale with Paul,fèeing a Viper hang vpon his hand, Theylaidamong thernfelrues, Surely this man is Murderer, whom, though he be efcapedfrorn the Sea, yet vengeancewill not filer to lime. Secondly Hard cenfures and finitler iudgements : when either a good or indifferent aetion is interpreted to the worfl,or a light offence is made hainous through ill wil, without all defire either to amend or couer the fame: As Eli m thought Annah to be drunken,when ate prayed in the bitterneífe of her foule veto the Lord, onely be- caufe her lips did mooue, but her voyce was not heatd. CHAP.