Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H A P.14. The tenth Commandement. 2I9 CHAP. XIIII. Of the tenth commandement. HE third way that men offend in thefeour - ward things,is, by coueting_and longing after that which is another mans , when yet wee would not eyther by wrongor cunning meaneshaue it fromhim, but in an vnordinate fort defire it for our moray, as Ahab didXabotbs Vineyard; not confidering whether our Neighbour bee willing to forgoe it,or no but onely becaufe our teeth water at it; whereasGod blefíingour Neighbour with any thingthat is good, and whereinhe taketh comfort todelight, Chrifian loue requireth, that we as glad in his behalfe,as ifwe our felues in- ioyed it. And this finne is forbidden in the tenth and lat+ Commandement. The fumme therefore ofthe tenth Commandement is, that euery one ref+ fullypleafed with that portion which God feeeth good tobeflow uponhim , reioycing and ta- king comfort in it , whether it bee great or fmall. Let n your conuerfation be without couetoufrieffs , being content with that you haue : for he hirnfelfebathfaid, I will not lease thee, norforfake thee. Naming meateanddrinke, anddo- thing, let vs therewithbe content. 1 P baus learnedinwhat e- f ats jiester 1am, therewith to be content. I know how to bee brought low, andhow to abound, eueryway inall things, Iam inßrmled, both to beefun, and to bee hungry, and to abound, and to want. The contrary whereof is Couetoufi)effe, longing after that which is our Neighbours , or none of ours , though it bee without any feeking of vnlawfull meanestocome by it,as Ahab did, t.King.21.2. Giname thyVineyard that it maybe a Garden of Herbesfor me, for it as"caremy Hpuafi : and !wildgirl thee abetter Vineyard then This is vpright_ nefe: CoNten- tednefe is to refi fully fatisficd with that which God beloweth. n Hcb.i3.5. o i.Titn.6.8. p Philip.4.ii.