Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

22O The flr Booke of .Diuinitie, CHAP.14. then it; or ifit feemebetter in thineIts, lwillgiue themo- ney to the full value of it. Rcioycittg in He that is foeffected will reioyce in anothers good, anothers good as in his owne,Rem. t 2.1 s.Reioyce with them that reioyce, as inourowne, andweepe with thew that weep: which is the top %tad per_ which is the fe&tion of loue. And hereupon I take it , by conference top and perfe- of both the Euangelitls (Matthew and (Marke that átion ofloue. a , , our Sauiour, Matth,19.19. noteth out the tenthCom- mandement,by thefe words,ThemAalt !cue thyNeighbour Ai thyfelfe. Which elfewhere is made the whole fittbme ofall the fecondTable. :,rim.3:. The contrariehereof is,ñrfi,Selfe-loue : i 1, the latter daye; menfhall h lamer, ofthemjclses. Secondly, Enuie : maligning the good thingsof ano- n i.Zims4, ther,condemned,r 1.Tim.6. and the fini of f `Peter 2. He it puffed vp, Thirdly,Reioycing at his hurt.The Pfalmií} compláy- andknoweth no- neth of this, Pfalne 70.34. Let them be turned backward tbing but dot eth and confounded, that delight in myhurt , let themgoe back- abetlq eflions' ward fera reward of theirflame, that fay,There,there. And _pie of words,rvhrreef t Obadiah reprehendeth the Edomites for it: Thoulhoul- commethF,nxie, def# not baue beeneglad oftheday of thy Brother, (meaning Strfe,Raylings, his affliction;) the day whenhet wad madeaflranger: nei- euilt Sxrm: ¡r, CherJhouldefi thouhaue reioyced at the Jewelwhat day they fi,l'ct s.t. perífhed. x berefore laying This Commandement háth commonly another fence, afide all malici. of forbidding onely the fitti lull's and motions of finite, oxlneffe,and all but the reafons to confirme the Interpretation which I vale and dlffi_ bane giuen I take it (vrader reformation) areplaine and mxlatton , and t, ' enuie,andall e pregnant, which notwithdianding I offer, without pre- utk tne,kinge indice of other mensopinions , ftibmitting my (elfe and t Obad.v,ts. them to thofe that can better iudge, Firtt, The plaine euidence of the words : 7boxJaalt not couet thy neighbours hcufe: IAhich is to be inforced by the conference of the refi of tLe Commandements : Ho- nour thy father and thymaiher;77aou j%alt not kill:Thoufaalt not flegle : Thou fbalt net commit adulteri,: Thou'halt not bear*